JAKARTA – During a child's development period, there are three factors that influence their physical growth. These factors are influenced by genetics, nutrition, and environmental factors.

The growth of children tends to be fast between the ages of 6-8 years. About 25 percent of height growth occurs at puberty. Hormones also contribute to helping grow taller, as they determine longitudinal bone growth and maintain bone mass.

To help the baby grow tall, nutritional factors can be done by providing the right intake every day. Reported by Stylecraze, Tuesday, January 18, genetic factors cannot be denied. But the list of foods below helps your baby's overall physical development including stimulating growth hormone and helping bone growth.

1. Eggs

In an egg, high in protein, riboflavin, biotin, and iron. Protein helps cell growth and development. Research shows that children who eat a lot of protein develop more bone growth than those who eat standard protein.

2. Milk

This is why the posyandu menu often provides a menu made from milk. Because milk contains calcium and protein that helps the growth and strength of bones. If your child is lactose intolerant, you can replace cow's milk with plant-based milk.

makanan yang membantu menambah tinggi badan anak
Illustration of food that helps increase a child's height (Freepik/Rawpixel)
3. Soybean

Soybeans are rich in protein, although the mechanism for promoting optimal bone health has not been widely studied. However, in Indonesia there are many foods made from soybeans. This means that you can provide a more varied diet to help bone growth.

4. Green leafy vegetables

Dark green leafy vegetables, contain high calcium such as spinach, broccoli, and kale. The calcium in these vegetables balances bone resorption and deposition that varies with age. Bone resorption is the breakdown of tissue in bone to release minerals. Meanwhile, deposition is the process of building tissue in bone with mineral deposition.

5. Carrot

Carrots are high in beta-carotene, which the body converts into vitamin S. When you add raw carrots to your daily diet, the effect is to absorb calcium more efficiently. Carrots also affect bone resorption and keep them healthy.

6. Chicken

A study examined the physical growth of children, showing that good quality animal protein to accelerate bone growth and development. Chicken, one of the poultry meat that can be processed into a daily menu, is a good source of protein. In addition, chicken meat also contains vitamin B. You can make variations of recipes made from chicken so that your baby doesn't get bored.

In addition to the above foods, nuts also contain good protein. You can combine it with cereal or process it into porridge so that children like it.

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