Weighing The Effectiveness Of The Diet, Recognize The Right Time To Eat Based On The Biorhythms
Illustration of the effectiveness of a diet based on proper meal times (Unsplash/Kirill Tonkikh)

JAKARTA – Biorhythms is an acronym for biological rhythms related to the natural cycle of changes in body chemistry and functions. Biorhythms are the right reference for managing meal times, not only for those of you who are on a diet but meal times in general.

To effectively lose weight, it is understood by eating fewer calories and burning more calories. However, according to Gary L. Wenk, Ph.D., professor of psychology, neuroscience, molecular virology, immunology and medical genetics at Ohio State University, this understanding often fails or diet doesn't work effectively.

Wenk explained, the human body is not like a heating furnace that always processes whatever we throw at it no matter the time. So not surprisingly, biorhythms need to be considered as a reference for regulating meal times. So, if you are on an intermittent diet, for example, when is the most appropriate time to eat?

waktu makan yang baik
Illustration of proper meal times (Unsplash/Breakslow)

A study investigating the effectiveness of the diet, reported by Psychology Today, Thursday, January 13, followed 116 adult men and women aged 18-64 years who were overweight or obese. Eat each controlled group 3 times a day. The first group, limited meal times, which within 8 hours can eat whatever they want from noon to 8 pm. The measured outcome of this study was weight loss.

In addition to weight loss, the study also monitored how biorhythms work on the metabolic system by measuring fat and lean mass levels, fasting insulin, fasting glucose, and total energy expenditure and rest time. The results of the first group, weight loss was quite a bit or about 1.17 percent and there was no significant difference with the decrease in the control group.

The study concluded that time-restricted meals were no more effective at losing weight than eating all day. Research has also shown that disturbances in biorhythms can lead to obesity and obesity can also interfere with normal biorhythms.

According to another study of overweight women, they divided them into two groups. The group with 700 kcal for breakfast, 500 kcal for lunch, and 200 kcal for dinner. The second group, breakfast 200 kcal, lunch 500 kcal, and dinner 700 kcal. The result is that the first group with the more calorie breakfast portion showed greater weight loss and a reduction in waist circumference.

Fasting glucose and insulin levels also decreased significantly. The average triglyceride level decreased by 33.6 percent in the first group and increased significantly in the second group. From the findings of this study, it is still recommended to eat healthy foods and the portions are measurable and adjust the time to activities. If you work the night shift, stick to your biorhythm or skip breakfast with more calories.

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