JAKARTA - Sad news came from senior singer Nindy Ellesse. The soloist who was popular in the 80s died Sunday, January 2nd. Several Indonesian celebrities, especially artists from the 80s and 90s, also shared the sad news.

Singer Yuni Shara through her Instagram Story also expressed her condolences for the passing of Nindy. "Goodbye Sist Nindy Ellesse, RIP", she wrote.

While Liza Zen sadly wrote her condolences via Instagram, “Gone but never forgotten. Rest in peace, dear friend @nindy_ellesse you'll be with me forever", wrote the member of Elfa's Singers.

"The friend of the Most Compassionate and Merciful, Nindy Ellesse... We lost you... Rest in peace...," wrote Sari Yok Koeswoyo through her Instagram account.

Some netizens asked the cause of Nindy Ellesse's death. Sari Yok Koeswoyo also said that Nindy died of cancer.

Nindy is known as a singer with a soft voice and melancholic songs. Contemporary singers Nia Daniaty, Iis Sugiarto, Endang S Taurina, and others have previously released many albums under the auspices of the JK Records label.

Last year, along with singers Harvey Malayholo, Lita Zen, Iis Sugiarto, Andre Hehanusa, Roni Sianturi, and others, Nindy Ellesse joined the flag of the Nusantara Artists. In 2021, Seniman Nusantara had released the single Hari Kemenangan.

In the political arena, Nindy Ellesse, who was born on April 16, 1967, had tried her luck as one of the legislative candidates or legislative candidates and fought in the West Java VII electoral district in the 2019 election.

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