JAKARTA – Many foods are claimed to contain antioxidants. These foods are good for health as long as they are consumed in the right portions. Antioxidants are natural chemicals in food that can help the body fight free radicals.

According to licensed dietitian Nicole Hopsegger, RD, reported by the Cleveland Clinic Health page, Wednesday, December 29, free radicals can damage body cells by changing cell DNA or altering cell membranes. Well, the interaction between free radicals and the body is called oxidative stress which is often considered a cause of an increased risk of chronic disease.

Besides being supported by the food you eat, antioxidants are also produced by the body. The best way to ensure that there are enough antioxidants in the body is to identify foods that can provide additional antioxidants.

Hopsegger adds, a single antioxidant may not work as well without the support of other nutrients. In essence, everyone needs a variety of foods, especially those containing antioxidants instead of taking supplements. So what foods can be your snack while relaxing plus support the fight against free radicals?

A 2010 collaborative study published in the Nutrition Journal noted that there are antioxidants in more than 3,100 foods, beverages, spices, herbs, and supplements used worldwide. Based on the study, 10 of them you can make snacks with the amount of antioxidants in 100 grams.

Roasted peanuts: 2.0 mmol/100 grams Sunflower seeds: 6.2 mmol/100 grams Toasted wheat bread: 0.6 mmol/100 grams Toasted whole wheat bread: 1.0 mmol/100 grams Walnuts: 21, 9 mmol/100 gram Corn : 0.6 mmol/100 gram Pearl barley : 1.0 mmol/100 gram Crispy brown bread : 1.1 mmol/100 gram Dried apricot : 3.1 mmol/100 gram Dried plum : 2, 1 mmol/100 grams

Of the ten snacks above, which one do you like the most? In addition to the list above, fresh fruits are also proven to contain antioxidants between 0.02 mmol/100 grams to 55.5 mmol/100 grams.

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