JAKARTA – Fragrant aroma or fragrance is often very close to psychological purposes, such as being useful for calming the mind and soul. But fragrance in skincare or skin care, is considered a problematic feature.

Scented skin care products may have unexpected effects. According to Geetics Doctor Mittal Gupta, dermatologist and founder of Isaac Luxe Clinics, added fragrance in skin care and makeup is one of the main causes of contact dermatitis.

Reported by Vogue, Dr Mittal Gupta explained that most of the fragrances added to skin care products cause skin sensitization which applies to all skin types. The skin can react to become red and is not only experienced by sensitive skin.

Do all kinds of scented skin care products trigger a red reaction? No, explained doctor Mittal Gupta. Not everyone will have an allergic reaction to a product solely because of the added fragrance.

There are also people who may be allergic to certain types of fragrance but not to other fragrances. That is, it cannot be judged equally if all scented skin care products cause allergies.

Therefore, Mittal Gupta's doctor recommends several things so as not to risk developing allergies. First, identify the skin care products you use, especially those that contain fragrance and affect your skin. In addition to fragrance content, it is also important to identify other ingredients that trigger allergies on your skin.

Second, if the product you are using causes itchy or reddened skin, treat it in simple ways. For example, with a wet or cold compress, avoid scratching, or apply lotion to reduce itching.

Care products such as moisturizers, toners, masks, and eye creams as much as possible choose those that do not have fragrance features. Because these products are classified as essential, then choose the safest to use on your skin, yes.

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