JAKARTA - Venna Melinda and Ferry Irawan are close and admit that they are in a romantic relationship. Not shy, Venna and Ferry often share their intimate photos via Instagram. Not only dating, Ferry even admitted that he wanted to marry Venna.

The status of Ferry and Venna Melinda who are both alone make that wish come true. Ferry became single after parting ways with Anggia Novita in early October. While Venna has been a widow for 7 years after separating from Ivan Fadilla in March 2014.

Initially, Venna uploaded a photo with Ferry and Indra Bekti. The two of them are still at a distance and don't look intimate. "Thank God we can stay in touch again," wrote Venna on the verified Instagram @vennamelindareal.

Shortly after, Venna re-uploaded a photo with Ferry and Emma Waroko. This time Venna was seen close by holding on to Ferry's back. At another moment, Ferry seems to be embracing Venna.

Their closeness was no longer hidden when Venna Melinda attended a friend's child's birthday. Ferry with Vania and Venna looks compact like a whole family. Vania also seemed to stick to Ferry's side like a child and a real father.

Vania even imagines her dream family with Venna Melinda and Ferry Irawan. Vania calls Ferry as 'Papa Ayam' because he feels himself as 'Chicken'. While Venna is now getting the title 'Mama Uyam' from Vania.

Tuesday, December 14, Venna and Ferry have uploaded photos of the two of them on their Instagram feeds and Instagram Stories. This time Venna and Ferry uploaded their photo in close proximity and looked intimate.

"I just want to say.... I really enjoy every moment we pass...," Ferry wrote in the caption for the photo upload. He added the hashtags #forever, #bismilllahirrahmanirrahim #you #spentmytimewithher. In the photo, Ferry's head is leaning against Venna's head.

On the way to Bandung, Ferry had expressed his desire to marry Venna Melinda. This was confirmed on Trans TV's Morning Morning Ambyar program, Thursday, December 15.

Ferry Irawan admitted that he had introduced Venna Melinda to his parents. The mother of three children also did that to her lover.

"Yes, the parents have met. Anyway, we have had a lot of talks, God willing. Yes, the main thing is more serious. We are preparing everything," explained Ferry Irawan.

Venna Melinda and Ferry Irawan don't know when they will get married. They say that there needs to be careful preparation to strengthen the heart and everything to get married. "We base this relationship on one, involving God. Our love for both should not exceed our love for God," he said.

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