JAKARTA – In living life, it is impossible for everyone to be unable to relate to other people. Even in a personal relationship, or a love relationship, it requires boundaries. In this context, boundaries are invisible lines drawn around you to identify acceptable and unacceptable behavior.

Uniquely, boundaries are actual and continue to develop with age and the achievements to be realized. Citing excerpts from a sentence written by psychotherapist Linda Esposito, LSCW., she says, "Some people like boundaries because they represent the structure, order, and order," as reported by Psychology Today, Monday, December 6.

Others, Esposito added, like boundaries as a set of laws that only exist in black and white, aka no gray area. So, from both perspectives, unhealthy boundaries are too rigid and/or too loose. So, how do you establish healthy boundaries?

1. Know what you are fighting for

Setting healthy boundaries means recognizing what you are fighting for. To set more basic boundaries, try to appreciate each step toward what you've accomplished and worked for.

Esposito's advice, when social relationships, for example, are holding you back, try to feel comfortable saying 'no' or refusing requests that have nothing to do with achievement. However, Esposito says, there are cultural boundaries that must always be respected, so stay calm and think carefully about deciding to set boundaries.

2. Communicate clearly

Feeling shy, overly aggressive, insensitive, or even rude are not the right ways to define healthy boundaries. Healthy boundaries can be clearly communicated and nothing is missed. By staying confident, you don't have to be afraid of what other people say, Esposito says. So don't hesitate and feel guilty that it makes you push yourself too hard or even take advantage of it.

3. Trust your instincts

Experts also say that the stomach can give the right direction. Commonly known as trusting instincts if you feel something is wrong with another person's behavior. If someone's behavior or behavior makes you unhappy, it may be because they don't respect you. His advice, ask yourself 'what do I need to do to make this situation favorable'.

4. Make the limit always current

Limitation is a self-response to the desired achievement, the behavior of others, or certain situations that force us to choose. Boundaries are always current, too, so if one aspect of life doesn't work, remind yourself that it's time to learn to get more.

Never break and feel trapped, Esposito messages, keep moving and make friends with every situation including the most difficult in your opinion.

5. Avoid compensating

You may forget to say 'no' so that it messes up your whole day's schedule. But slacking off or compensating can lead to feeling tired or feeling taken advantage of. So, avoid compensating and stick to the boundaries you have set.

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