The Most Appropriate Sleeping Position According To Your Health Condition
Illustration of the most appropriate sleeping position (Pexels/Miriam Alonso)

JAKARTA – Body aches when you wake up from sleep, it can be caused by the wrong sleeping position. An improper sleeping position can also interfere with your rest. So what is the most appropriate sleeping position according to health conditions?

The body works to restore and repair itself. The wrong sleeping position can hinder this. As it turns out, the natural curvature of your bones determines how effectively your sleeping position helps you to help your body recover and repair itself.

The best sleeping position is in accordance with the alignment of the spine, hips, to the head. Well, what is it like? Depends on your health situation and the one you are most comfortable with, quotes from the Sleeping Foundation, Friday, December 3.

Best sleeping position for back pain

If you have lower back pain, the best sleeping position is on your side with a pillow or blanket between your knees. Choose a pillow that fits the distance between your neck and shoulders. Try to keep your neck in line with your spine when sleeping on your side. This is because it can prevent aches and pains.

Best sleeping position for shoulder pain

Sleeping on your side may leave wrinkle marks on your cheeks. Sleeping on your side also causes tightness or pain in your shoulder if you don't change position during sleep. So it's a good idea to change positions every now and then and adjust the most appropriate pillow position. Also, make sure the mattress follows the curve of your hips and adjusts to the position of your shoulders.

Sleeping position for people with stomach acid and pregnant women

Sleeping on your right side, according to experts, can put pressure on your internal organs. For those of you who have GERD or stomach acid and heartburn, it is advisable to tilt to the left. Even for women who are pregnant, it's better to tilt to the left, yes.

Sleeping position when nasal congestion or runny nose

Well, sleeping on your back is most appropriate when your nose is blocked, for example when you have allergies, colds, or influenza. When sleeping on your back, the spine and weight distribution will be easier to get.

The good thing again from sleeping on your back can reduce wrinkles on the face. In addition to the above benefits, the supine sleeping position is also recommended for someone who has neck pain. Make sure the pillow can support the neck properly and the arms are in a position parallel to the body.

The right sleeping position for those of you who snore and have sleep apnea

For snorers and someone with sleep apnea, sleeping on their back is not recommended. Because this position can lead to airway collapse. Sleeping on your back is also not recommended for pregnant women, because a growing baby can suppress the pregnant woman's heart and make blood circulation not smooth.

For those of you who snore, the position to open the airway and reduce snoring is the prone position. But the prone sleeping position is not good if done for a long time because the ribs have to work hard against gravity to breathe.

Which sleeping position is the most comfortable for you? Pay attention to the spring strength of the mattress and the thickness and pillows that can support the head properly. Most importantly, make sure your spine, hips, waist, neck, and head are aligned or not arched while sleeping.

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