JAKARTA – In domestic life, aspects that support harmony are needed. Some couples worry that harmony will diminish over time. However, it all depends on whether they want to enjoy the marriage from the start or not.

In addition to the aspects below, commitments and priorities need to be owned by every couple. To help maintain harmony, do the aspects below even though it's cliché.

1. Giving compliments

Don't be shy or picky about complimenting your partner. Praise how great your partner is and become your partner's number one fan.

2. Say thank you

In addition to giving each other compliments, showing appreciation to your partner for the little things he does is also necessary. Every now and then, go together and give each other a touch so that each other respects each other.

3. Take care of yourself

Not only is dressing comfortable, but dressing attractively is also important. In addition, take care of your health so you can still enjoy togetherness. Even keeping up appearances and fitness can help keep the flames of intimacy burning.

4. Watch your words

Saying the wrong words can make a relationship uncomfortable. Just because you and your partner have been married for a long time doesn't mean politeness can decline. This means paying attention to what you say so that it doesn't turn into a sharp dagger that hurts your partner's feelings.

5. Give surprises

At important moments, such as wedding anniversaries, birthdays, give a surprise. You can even take the initiative to surprise date night.

6. Do something together

Doing activities together and enjoying these activities, such as sports, cooking, or running a hobby can warm household bonds.

7. Show affection

Showing affection to your partner is not only in the bedroom. But make it a priority to hold your partner's hand in public, give hugs, and kisses to show your partner affection.

Do you share the clichéd aspects above with your partner?

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