JAKARTA – A bowl of soto, meatballs, or boiled noodles is often sought after when it rains often outside. Not without reason, this hot soupy food is a favorite.

According to a number of medical studies, there are reasons behind eating soupy foods when the climate is cold. Quoted from the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit, Thursday, November 18, the body loses a lot of fluids during cold weather. Many factors contribute, but breathing in cold or dry air makes us lose a lot of fluids. When you breathe, you need warmth and moisture before air enters your lungs.

Activity in cold weather also triggers us to lose a lot of fluids. The breath becomes heavier and deeper. In addition, you may experience cold diuresis, in which the body produces more urine as a side effect of maintaining body heat.

Drinking is not the only way to keep fluids in the body. Wear warm clothes, eat warm clothes, and stay hydrated.

Eating warm food, it turns out to have a calming effect, reported by Hearst Newspaper. Lack of sunlight during cold weather or every cloudy day with rain can cause 'winter depression' in some individuals.

This is known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Warm foods, containing carbohydrates, and macronutrients that the body needs such as fat and protein need to be intake that is not only warm but also soothing.

You can also keep your body hydrated by sipping on hot beverages such as tea, coffee, ginger tea, and others. However, pay attention to the portion of fatty foods you eat.

The body still needs a healthy weak intake to optimize the absorption of vitamins A, E, K, and D. Since the sun does not shine fully every day, you can also add vitamin D supplements to maintain your immune system.

So what's the reason you love hot and gravy food in the rainy season? Yes, to warm the body and keep the body hydrated.

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