JAKARTA – Edible plants are an important garnish principle. Garnish itself is known as an additional ingredient for decoration, as well as variations to enrich the taste of the dish. The chosen garnish not only enhances the plating but also adds a sense of harmony and contrast.

But it should be understood that garnishes are not condiments. Based on the origin of the word, garnish comes from the French garni which means 'decorated'. Some plants that can be planted in the garden, can be used for garnishes. What are these plants? Here's the list.

1. Thyme

Thyme can be grown indoors in pots. There is also dried thyme that can be purchased at the supermarket. If you grow it at home, according to Country Living, Tuesday, November 16, place it in a sunny spot so it grows thick. If temperatures tend to be cooler, thyme grows more slowly although it can still be harvested over time.

2. Lavender

This flower can be used in a variety of dishes. Besides being used as tea and processed into essential oils, lavender flowers are edible and visually enhance your dishes.

If growing lavender in the garden, it is recommended that it be planted in soil without a pot. Fits if placed in a cool place but exposed to the morning and evening sun.

3. Rosemary

Grown like a bush, rosemary can be used to garnish foods including steaks and fresh drinks. This plant has a fragrant aroma, the place to grow will thrive in a cool place but still exposed to morning and evening light.

4. Mint

There are several varieties of the mint plant. Mint for tea gives off a fresh sensation while the darker color has a slightly bitter taste. Usually, mint is used to decorate desserts such as cakes and cakes.

5. Strawberries

Hanging plants for decoration can choose strawberries. In addition to their beautiful growth, strawberries are also more resistant to snail attacks if placed far from the ground. In order for the fruit to develop, enlarge, and taste fresh sweet, strawberries need to be cared for regularly. For example, given plant vitamins and fertilizers that speed up the fertilization process.

For garnish, strawberries can decorate a plate containing cheese pies, sponge cakes, and even fresh drinks.

Well, if you have plants other than the 5 above, you can identify whether or not you can use garnishes based on the principle. The first principle has been explained in the opening, which is edible.

Another principle, has a simple texture so it doesn't look piled up. But it needs to have a striking color. Before choosing the ingredients for the garnish, you also need to adjust it to the dish. Plus, make sure it's clean and fresh so it doesn't interfere with the visuals.

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