JAKARTA – Some adjustments need to be made when diagnosed with prostate cancer. As experienced by the 6th President of the Republic of Indonesia, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, reported by VOI Tuesday, November 2. Based on information from SBY's personal staff, within the dean's time he will conduct medical check-ups and treatment abroad.

So what to do after being diagnosed with prostate cancer? Here's how to get a better life despite being diagnosed with prostate cancer.

Adjustments in the aspect of sexuality

For many men diagnosed with prostate cancer, it is necessary to consult about the effects of removing the prostate gland. Reported by WebMD, removal of the prostate gland in prostate cancer patients has the effect of having difficulty getting an effect even though they can still experience orgasm.

To reduce this risk, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Start by asking about 'neuro-saving' surgery and more appropriate radiation therapy. This problem can be solved gradually.

Bladder control

Prostate cancer and its treatment can cause problems with the bladder. A person with prostate cancer may feel the urge to go to the bathroom all the time or even pee in between trips to the toilet.

These side effects may go away after treatment. But controlling urination and staying patient is the wisest way to live a better life.

Kegel exercises to strengthen pelvic muscles

The pelvic muscles are in charge of supporting the bladder. Doing Kegel exercises also helps strengthen these muscles before undergoing treatment. To find out what the most appropriate level for Kegel exercises, consult a doctor.

A person with prostate cancer can be cured if he gets treatment early and changes a few things for adjustment. Stay informed about what needs to be done to get better.

Carry out follow-up care

After being sentenced to prostate cancer like SBY, the patient can undergo all the recommendations from the medical. Any symptoms and changes need to always be consulted by an expert.

Exercise regularly

Several studies have shown that those who exercise after prostate cancer treatment live longer than those who do not. Although it needs a lot of study, exercise also has some overall health benefits.

Eat healthy food

The immune system still needs to be maintained after the verdict of prostate cancer. This can help reduce the spread of cancer and still maintain strength by eating lots of fruits and vegetables.

keep weight

Studies show that being overweight lowers the chances of getting better after treatment. There is little research on this subject, but maintaining an ideal body weight is also an important part of overall health.

Manage stress

Do whatever activity you can to let go of your worries. For example with relaxation exercises such as deep breathing or meditation. You can also engage in a hobby to improve your mood. Talking to a mental health professional can also help.

Get enough rest

Poor sleep lowers the immune system. This makes a person with prostate cancer unable to fight off infection. That is, set hours of rest and get enough quality sleep to help strengthen your immune system.

Being diagnosed with cancer causes big changes in life. So trying to accept that things will not be as before needs to be done. This can help to be more resilient and get daily care more medically appropriate.

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