JAKARTA - Lubricants are often used to increase comfort and pleasure during sexual intercourse. However, using lubricants when having sex also has a risk.

Some lubricants contain ingredients that cause allergies, skin irritation, or increase the risk of infection. Here are 5 risks often using lubricants, as reported by VOI from the Womaness page.

1. Hazardous Chemical Content

Some lubricants contain chemicals that can disrupt the natural balance of bacteria in the vagina. This causes irritation, discomfort, and infection.

The paraben, glycerin, and petroleum content in lubricants can make bacteria enter the vagina. Exposure to these chemicals causes irritation and increases the risk of infection. Therefore, choose lubricants that are free from harmful ingredients to maintain vaginal health.

2. Allergy and Skin Irritation

Some people may be allergic to certain ingredients in lubricants, which can cause rash, itching, or redness. Repeated use of lubricants can worsen this condition.

An allergic reaction can appear in the form of a rash, itching, or bentol. Plus, repeated use can worsen symptoms. It is better to test first by placing a little lubricant into the skin of the hand to find out an allergic reaction, before finally being used during sex.

3. Disturbing Fertility

Some lubricants can inhibit sperm movement, thereby reducing chance of pregnancy. Certain lubricants can reduce sperm's ability to move towards egg cells.

Therefore, couples who are trying to have children should be careful in choosing lubricants. Choose a lubricant that is specially designed and safe for your partner's fertility.

4. Increase the Risk of Mutual Infection

Certain lubricants can disrupt the vaginal pH balance and create an environment that supports the growth of fungi that causes infection.

The vaginal pH imbalance can trigger fungal infections. Women who are susceptible to fungal infections should be more selective in choosing lubricants. Use lubricants with a suitable pH balance to maintain vaginal health.

5. Dry And Applyed Rapidly Repeatedly

Lubricants are made of water and tend to dry up quickly. This can cause discomfort when in contact.

Water-based lubricants are easy to dry, so they must be re-implemented frequently. This can interfere with the comfort and smoothness of sexual activity. Silicon-based lubricants can be an alternative because they are more durable.

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