Being balanced in the true sense is quite difficult to do. Moreover, when it is a broadcasting institution, the owner is affiliated with a candidate pair or political party. According to the Chairman of the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI), Ubaidillah, the implementation of broadcast programs must remain balanced in accordance with the mandate of the Broadcasting Law, balanced in the portion and tone of the news displayed.
It is a reality that is currently happening that several groups of public broadcasting institutions are owned or the majority of their shares are controlled by individuals affiliated with certain candidate pairs or certain political parties that are contesting in the 2024 presidential and legislative elections. That is why, said Ubaidillah, KPI continues to monitor so that the use of frequencies becomes a domain. the public is not arbitrary.
The key words, continued Ubaidillah, are fair and proportional. “There are indeed individuals or groups of broadcasters who are affiliated with certain political parties. While carrying out broadcasts they must comply with applicable laws. "When broadcasting or reporting on political matters, it must be proportional and fair," he stressed.
To be fair to a real artist is a difficult thing to do. However, at least, Ubaidillah stressed, there are two minimum things that public broadcasting institutions must do when broadcasting political news. The reference is Law 32 of 2002 concerning Broadcasting and P3SPS (Broadcasting Behavior Guidelines and Broadcast Program Standards) and PKPI number 4 of 2023 regarding Supervision of General Election Campaign Reporting and Advertisements at Broadcasting Institutions.
"Regarding balance, the important thing is that all candidate pairs are reported for the same duration. Another benchmark is the tone. If one candidate pair is reported as positive, so are the others. Conversely, if it is negative. It's not that one candidate is reported as positive, and the other candidate pair is reported as negative. "Even though the portion and duration of the reporting is the same, the tone is different, that's also unfair," stressed Ubaidillah to Edy Suherli, Bambang Eros, Irfan Medianto and Dandi Juniar from VOI who met him at the Central KPI office, on Juanda Street, Central Jakarta recently.
Apart from political reporting ahead of the election, he also talked about violations by broadcasters and the KPI's warning, diversity of content, diversity of ownership of broadcasters which has not yet been realized, and also about the revision of the Broadcasting Law. Here is the full excerpt.

KPI's task is to supervise television and radio broadcast material in Indonesia. In the last three months, what broadcasting violations have been found?
In the last three months, the violations we found were around the issue of protecting children and women, then political issues because soon we will face presidential and legislative elections. So that's what we found.
Regarding increasingly heated politics ahead of the 2024 presidential and legislative elections, how will the KPI carry out supervision?
Regarding elections, KPI has regulations in carrying out supervision. We cannot be separated from Law 32 of 2002 concerning Broadcasting and P3SPS (Broadcasting Behavior Guidelines and Broadcast Program Standards). Apart from that, there is also PKPI number 4 of 2023 regarding Supervision of General Election Campaign Reporting and Advertisements at Broadcasting Institutions. KPI is also part of the Task Force for monitoring election reporting and broadcasting together with the KPU, Bawaslu and the Press Council. Regulations in the KPI and institutions that are members of the Task Force are used in this supervision. Before January 21, new candidate pairs and legislative candidates may convey their vision and mission, after that the campaign will open to invite potential voters to vote.
What can and cannot be done by candidate pairs and legislative candidates so as not to violate broadcasting regulations?
In general, the KPU, as the institution that organizes the presidential and legislative elections, knows what is allowed and what is not allowed, the KPI only observes which content is distributed through broadcasting institutions that violate it. The important thing is that before the 21st, candidate pairs and legislative candidates cannot openly invite the public to vote. It is accumulative in nature, if only serial numbers are fine, vision and mission are fine. After entering the open campaign phase, please make an open invitation.
Several high-ranking political party officials in this country are owners of large media groups in Indonesia. How is the KPI monitored so that they do not monopolize television and radio broadcast frequencies?
It is true that there are individuals or groups of broadcasters who are affiliated with certain political parties. While carrying out broadcasts they must comply with applicable laws. When broadcasting or reporting on political matters, it must be proportional and fair. During the socialization, we told broadcasters to give equal rights to all candidate pairs, not just candidate pairs or political parties or legislative candidates affiliated with them. Indeed, we had received complaints from several media people, they said what would we cover if the candidate pairs or political parties did not carry out activities, or if the activities did not have news value. So candidate pairs and legislative candidates also have to be creative.

KPI Chairman Ubaidillah urged broadcasting institution owners to be fair in broadcasting political news content. (Photo Bambang Eros, DI Raga Granada)
The question of balance is subjective, what are the details of the KPI?
Regarding balance, the important thing is that all candidate pairs are reported the same. Another benchmark is the tone. If one candidate pair is reported as positive, so are the others. Conversely, if it is negative. It's not that one candidate is reported as positive, and the other candidate pair is reported as negative. Even though the reporting portion and duration are the same, the tone is different, which is also unfair.
KPI reprimanded the Uang Kaget program on MNCTV featuring Liliana Tanoe Soedibjo, apart from that, is there anything else that KPI is monitoring?
Before imposing sanctions, we provide clarification on broadcast institutions whose programs show what they should not. So before sanctions are given there are stages that we carry out, such as clarification and after that, we give a warning. We do not want media owners in this case to hold events in the electoral district concerned, because he is a legislative candidate. Other figures or legislative candidates are also monitored, if they make the same mistake they will also be reprimanded. These frequencies are in the public domain, they cannot be used arbitrarily even though they own the largest shares in a broadcasting institution.
KPI gave a warning to TransTV's Brownis program because its host; Ivan Gunawan is a man who has a woman's style in clothing, make-up, and behavior, why is this only now being done?
KPI has indeed reprimanded the broadcasting institution which has a program called Brownis on TransTV. We have no right to reprimand individuals who appear on the broadcast. We hope that after receiving a warning there will be improvements, and broadcasting institutions will remind their hosts. In the future, it is hoped that it will be better. The aim is to protect children and teenagers from inappropriate behavior displayed on television and radio.
Ivan Gunawan resisted KPI's warning, by choosing to withdraw from the Brownis event, he accused KPI of not understanding fashion, what is your response?
We reprimanded the broadcasting institution, saying that the host of the show resigned was a matter of concern. We really appreciate the diversity of culture and fashion that exists in each region. But the clothing must be worn appropriately, women's clothing is for women, not men. Vice versa.
In accordance with the mandate of Broadcasting Law No. 2 of 2002, KPI is independent from capital owners. Have there been any efforts to intervene so far?
KPI is a community representative whose job is to assess all programs on television and radio. We must ensure that the public gets correct information through broadcasting institutions. Until now there has been no intervention on our behalf. Even if there are new rules, we always carry out socialization before implementing them. This is all to support broadcasting institutions that have not grown so far, can grow again after COVID-19.
Are diversity of content (the principle of diversity of content) and diversity of ownership (the principle of diversity of ownership) reflected in our current broadcasting institutions?
Now the diversity of content (the principle of diversity of content) is very diverse. People have more and more choices. There are broadcasting institutions that specifically broadcast news, entertainment, sports, and even some specifically for children. However, diversity of ownership (the principle of diversity of ownership) has not yet been realized. This is our homework together. Especially in big cities like Jakarta, the owners of big television or big broadcast media groups can be counted.
Every broadcasting institution competes to reach its viewers and listeners. Has the competition been healthy so far?
Competition between television and radio broadcasting institutions, we hope that in a healthy corridor, what is presented is useful and best for society. So the public can benefit as much as possible from existing broadcasting institutions. So far, what we have noticed is that competition is still within reasonable limits, in content, for example, when there is a topic that is busy or trending, other broadcasters also follow with a slightly different background.
Regarding the Broadcasting Bill which is still being discussed by the DPR RI, what are your hopes for the bill's materials and completion targets?
A revision of Broadcasting Law No. 2 of 2002 has long been expected by broadcasting industry players and academics, because our Broadcasting Law is more than 20 years old. Many technological developments have not been accommodated by this law. There are also new media platforms that are not regulated by the Broadcasting Law. The speed of technological development is not matched by the speed of the arrival of harmonized regulations.
We also hope that in the new Broadcasting Law, KPI can be given more mandate, so that this institution will be stronger and can carry out its duties well. I heard that the draft of the Broadcasting Bill is already in the legislative body, hopefully, it can be completed in the DPR RI's term of office which will soon end.
Ubaidillah and the Pilgrimage Tradition that Never Gets Old

KPI Chairman Ubaidillah took the time to stay in touch with elders and visit the graves of figures in the areas he visited. (Photo Bambang Eros, DI Raga Granada)
Being born and raised in the Nahdliyin environment and culture means that KPI Chairman Ubaidillah never forgets his roots. One thing that he still frequently carries out is the tradition of pilgrimages to the graves of figures and elders in the area when on working visits. There is history and spirit that can be learned and implemented today from the pilgrimage he made.
This man, born in Lamongan, East Java, on January 1, 1981, was well aware that after receiving the mandate to become a commissioner at KPI, he had to devote most of his time to activities related to his duties.
However, as an NU citizen, he can still be involved in activities carried out by NU mass organizations, even during his busy schedule at KPI, he can still provide suggestions and thoughts for the organization.
"When I chose to become a KPI commissioner, I had to commit to that choice. "Even though most of my time is taken up, I can still set aside attention for social and religious organizations within NU," said Ubai, who reads books, watches films, and chats with his family to relieve boredom from his routine at the office.
When he was on duty out of town, after his main assignment he did not forget to stay in touch with the elders in the area he visited. Then make a pilgrimage to the graves of figures who have dedicated their bodies and souls to the community there.
"I was born and raised in the Nahdliyin environment, there is a tradition that I have carried out for a long time, namely friendship with those who are still alive and making pilgrimages to figures who have gone before us and visiting historical relics. "I asked my friends there, where the graves of elders or ancient mosques that could be visited," said the man whose full name is Ubaidillah Sadewa.
What benefits can be gained from making this friendship and pilgrimage? "Pilgrimage is like recharging oneself and at the same time honoring ancestors who have fought for the community, nation, and state," said an alumnus of the S1 Faculty of Ushuluddin and Philosophy, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Jakarta, and the S2 Population and Environmental Education Study Program at the University Jakarta State.
When he met the grave caretaker or the descendant of the figure whose grave he visited, Ubai received a story about the character's struggle. “People in ancient times, with all their limitations, were able to struggle and maximize their existing potential. While we just have to continue with more adequate facilities, sometimes enthusiasm is lacking. "We reflect on ourselves after knowing all that," continued Ubai, who as a student was active in the Indonesian Islamic Student Movement (PMII).
Keep well

Health is an important thing that does not escape Ubaidillah's attention, he exercises to be physically fit. (Photo Bambang Eros, DI Raga Granada)
For Ubaidillah, sport is important, after basic needs are met. To maintain his health he does exercise at home and other times when he has more free time he will enjoy exercising outside the home with his family.
“I usually ride a stationary bike at home before going to the office for 30 minutes. On weekends or holidays, take a morning walk in the car-free day area with your wife and children. When I'm out of town, I try to exercise using what's available at the place I'm staying. If not, then go for a walk in the morning. "When we do regular exercise, we will enjoy the results," said the man who is active in the Kyai Abdul Wahab Chasbullah Foundation (KWF), the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), and the PBNU Institute for Disaster Management and Climate Change (LPBI-NU).
According to Ubai, exercising requires commitment and consistency. "At first you have to be forced to be committed and consistent, after a while if it becomes a habit, something will be lost if you don't exercise," he shared tips for exercising regularly.
He is grateful that until now he is still free to eat any food that is halal and good. "Thank God, until now the doctor has not prohibited me from eating any food, basically I just eat what is halal. "But you must not forget yourself, when you are full, stop," he continued.
Togetherness with Children

Even though his days are busy with activities at KPI, and social and religious organizations, Ubaidillah still pays attention to his family. Especially for the growth and development of their children.
“In a week I try to be able to take my kindergarten child to school. "For toddlers, I greet them before going to the office and after returning home," said Ubai, who during weekends or national holidays will spend time with his family if he doesn't have work to do.
Communication is the key for Ubai in maintaining his relationship with his wife and children. "If suddenly my wife asks to pick up the child from school, I'll look at the conditions and, if possible, pick him up. The problem is that the office is relatively close to our school and house. "But it's not mandatory, if you can't, the wife will take over," continued Ubai, who was the Editor-in-Chief of the Lingkar News Bulletin in 2000, then he was trusted to be the Editor-in-Chief of the Al-Tasamuh Friday Bulletin and became the Editorial Team for the Suara Fatayat Bulletin.
Before his child goes to school, Ubai accompanies him as much as possible to watch television. "At that time, I didn't know much about the characters in the show my child was watching, but instead I was told. There are stubborn ones and there are good ones. Yes, at that time I said, don't give an example to the naughty and so on. "The important thing is quality time because I realize I don't have much time to spend with my children," said Ubaidillah, ending the conversation.
"Regarding balance, the important thing is that all candidate pairs are reported for the same duration. Another benchmark is the tone. If one candidate is reported positively, so are the others. On the other hand, if it is negative, it's not that one candidate is reported positively, and another candidate is reported negatively. Even though the portion and duration are the same. news but the tone is different, that's also unfair,"
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