JAKARTA – Without realizing it, some things you do before you get home can cause your feet to feel sore or sore. This of course makes you wonder, what is it that makes the feet feel uncomfortable.
Apart from fatigue, the following 6 causes can help you identify triggers.
Heel pain
Reported by Real Simple, Tuesday, June 8, sharp pain in the heel or plantar fasciitis is most severe when you get out of bed. The cause is inflammation of the plantar fascia, the thick tissue that runs along the bottom of the foot or from the heel to the toes.
According to Carly Robbins, a podiatric surgeon in Columbus, Ohio, this heel discomfort can be triggered by wearing heels.
"If the shoe doesn't support the arch of the foot, the fascia will stretch, and that can lead to inflammation," says Robbins.
Jacqueline Sutera, a podiatric surgeon in New York City suggests choosing structured shoes. Stretch in bed by wrapping in a towel and pulling your fingers back to stretch the tendons.
Throbbing and pain in the big toe
The average pain and throbbing in the big toe is caused by an ingrown toenail. Usually accompanied by redness and swelling. Another cause is often wearing shoes that are too narrow.
Robbins recommends cutting your toenails straight, not curling your toes. See a specialist in case of infection.
Uncomfortable shoes can cause this problem. Initially only pain in the back of the heel, but over time a lump appeared.
Bursitis is also caused by the back of the shoe that does not have enough cushioning so that it rubs against the bone and a fluid pocket appears as a protective tissue. You can choose shoes with an open back for more comfort. Also choose one that has a slant fit at the heel.
Stress fracture
Repeated stresses on the bones, such as walking and running on hard surfaces, can cause stress fractures in the front of the foot. This pain can also be caused by shoes with too hard padding.
To prevent relapse, replace your shoes or add more proper cushioning. And see a doctor if the pain does not subside.

A sensitive, raised lump on the head of the big toe joint is called a bunion. The cause can be hereditary and/or have a low arch.
"When the lump gets bigger, it's actually your bones that move," explains Robbins.
Wearing shoes with narrow, pointed toes, and high heels won't actually cause bunions. But it can speed up its development.
Robbins suggests adding gel pads to your shoes to protect the toe joint area.
Stabbing pain in the ball of the foot
On the bottom of the foot, the thumb and forefinger are called the ball of the foot. The stabbing pain is caused by pressure on the nerve tissue or is called a neuroma. This pressure irritates the nerves, and the ball of the foot swells.
Shoes that are narrow and pointy, according to Robbins, can add pressure to the already irritated nerves. For the most severe conditions, it is necessary to consult a doctor to get the right treatment. Meanwhile, to reduce pressure, choose shoes with a wide toe box.
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