YOGYAKARTA Distended stomachs have many factors. Apart from experiencing digestive problems, certain stages of life also affect it. Like a distended stomach in a woman before menopause or a woman after giving birth. To identify in more detail, here are the types of distended stomachs based on the causes.
Prior to menopause, many women had added weight to the hips and thighs. But when menopause, as estrogen levels drop drastically, this affects changes in the body. While testosterone also drops, a person experiencing this period, before and at menopause, will lose muscle mass. According to a professok assistant at New York Medical College, Stevan AR Murphy, MD., muscle mass loss slows down metabolism.
"Being much more difficult to process simple carbohydrates, and it causes storage of fat," Murphy added as quoted by Prevention, Sunday, March 16.
This type of distended because before and during this menopause, is influenced by hormones. In addition to decreasing muscle mass affecting metabolism, the hormone cortisol also increases because sleep patterns will change. The effect, stress hormones cause stomach fat storage.
How to deal with a distended stomach before and during this menopause, with weight training and maintaining a heart rate of between 90-110. Not with heavy exercise, moderate intensity exercise will help burn belly fat without increasing cortisol.
When pregnant, baby bump is formed which containsjunction liquid to keep the fetus safe to grow in the stomach. After giving birth, everything may not return as before. Many women stroking their distended stomach after pregnancy. One of the reasons for this is the hormone. Pregnancy causes insulin levels to soar, causing more fat to be stored in the middle of the body.
In addition, it is also common for women after giving birth to a recti diastasi or muscle separation of right and left abdomen walls that occurs when the uterus grows following the growth of the fetus. Murphy suggested that Kegel exercises can help overcome this problem. yoga and breathing exercises can also help. Murphy also suggested, a pentung to check insulin to ensure that you do not experience insulin resistance or prediabetes.
Murphy explains that about 50 to 60 percent of belly fat and weight gain are based on genetics. Gens are completely irreversible, but you can change how to express them. Simply put, many genetics tend to add to the fat pile in the middle of the body. However, diet and exercise can affect how much weight will increase.
The best thing to do is to limit the consumption of simple carbohydrate foods. Murphy advises, consumption of low-fat protein foods. Carbohydrates choose whole grains that are fiber rich and last longer. Many cardio exercises also help overcome distended stomachs due to genetic or called classic apple.
The cause of this fourth distended stomach type is due to gas or liquid retention rather than fat and diet. Some people may be disturbed by certain foods. Others may have food allergies or conditions such as colon irritation syndrome. To overcome this problem, dietist registered Chrissy Barth, RDN., limit animal protein intake while consuming lots of fruit and vegetables. It is important to keep up with drinking lots of water. Because if not, fiber gain can make the stomach more distended for a while.
That's the type of distended stomach based on the cause. If you experience it accompanied by certain complaints, it is important to consult a nutritionist and doctor.
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