YOGYAKARTA - Installation of DJ stents is carried out to help promote the flow of urine from the kidneys to the bladder. This procedure is generally needed in conditions such as kidney stone sufferers, severe urinary tract infections, or after surgery in the urinary tract area. There are some taboos when using dj stents that need to be known.
DJ stents in the form of flexible small tubes are included in theureter. Although the use of stunted DJs is effective in helping smooth urine flow, there are some taboos and precautions that need to be followed to prevent complications and increase patient comfort.
People who use a stunted DJ need to pay attention to their conditions or activities for safety and comfort. Here are some taboos when using a stunted DJ that must be known:
When you have a DJ certificate, it is very important to avoid physical activity that is too heavy. Avoid high-intensity exercise, such as long-distance running, lifting weights, or activities that involve strong movements in the stomach area. These activities can cause discomfort or exacerbate irritation.
It is better to choose light activities such as leisurely walking or light yoga that does not put excessive pressure on the stomach and urinary tract area. If you want to return to exercise, consult with the doctor first to ensure the type of activity that is safe to do.
Caffeine and alcohol have a diuretic nature that can increase urine production, thereby increasing pressure on stunted DJs and urinary tracts. These conditions can cause irritation, pain, or burning when urinating.
In addition, alcohol consumption can also interfere with the recovery process of the body. Therefore, while using a DJ stent it is recommended to reduce or even avoid consuming caffeine and alcohol in order to reduce the risk of complications and discomfort.
Several types of food and drinks can increase the risk of urinary tract irritation. Examples of food and drinks that are irritant include spicy food, acid, and soft drinks.
These foods can trigger a burning sensation or pain when urinating. It is better to choose food that is easy to digest and low levels of acid or spices. Sodated drinks should also be avoided because their carbon content can exacerbate urinary tract irritation.
Delaying urination can be a major taboo for DJ stent users. Holding urine can cause excessive pressure on a stunted DJ and increase the risk of urinary tract infection.
It is better to urinate immediately when there is a urge to urinate. In addition, make sure to completely empty the bladder so that the urine flow remains smooth and there is no buildup.
Fluid intake is quite important to help prevent infection and maintain smooth urine flow. However, excessive fluid intake can also increase the frequency of urinating. These conditions can cause discomfort in patients who use stunted DJs.
Consult with the doctor about the amount of liquid that should be consumed every day according to your condition. Usually 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day is enough, unless the doctor recommends otherwise.
Sudden or straining movements can cause DJ stents to shift, causing discomfort and even pain in the stomach or pelvic. Therefore, try to move slowly and avoid activities that require straining, such as lifting heavy objects or pushing.
The use of a DJ certificate can cause discomfort during sex. To prevent irritation or complications, you should limit sexual activity or avoid it if you still feel uncomfortable.
Some patients may experience pain or discomfort in the pelvic area during or after sexual intercourse. Consult with the doctor about when it is the right time to return to this activity safely and without causing any discomfort.
Those are some taboos when using a DJ certificate that you need to remember. Using a DJ stent requires extra attention so that the patient remains comfortable and avoids complications. Also read how to check your own kidney health at home.
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