JAKARTA - Adi Soemarmo Solo ensured that he would continue to serve Hajj flights even though it would no longer be an international airport following the issuance of the Decree of the Minister of Transportation Number 31/2024 (KM 31/2004) concerning the Determination of International Airports.
General Manager of PT Angkasa Pura I Adi Soemarmo Airport Erick Rofiq Nurdin in Boyolali, Central Java, Sunday, April 28, said the move was in accordance with the decision to carry out the Hajj pilgrimage in 2024 M/1445 H.
He said that based on the Decree of the Minister of Religion Number 152 of 2024 concerning Embarkation and Debarkation of Hajj in 1445 H/2024 AD, Adi Soemarmo Airport has been designated as an Embarkation and Debarkation of Hajj in 1445 H for the provinces of Central Java and DIY.
"Thus, the implementation of Hajj flight services in 2024 will certainly continue to be carried out through Adi Soemarmo Airport," he said, as reported by Antara.
Meanwhile, he said, based on KM 31/2024, Adi Soemarmo Airport status is no longer an international airport.
However, the implementation of international flights that currently exist will be discussed together with related parties.
"In this case, airlines and regulators, but in principle Adi Soemarmo Airport, both facilities and service standards, are ready to carry out international flight services," he said.
Previously, Adi Soemarmo Airport would implement a fast track service for the departure of pilgrims this year.
He said fast track services are an effort by the Ministry of Religion to cooperate with the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah of Saudi Arabia to expand the Mecca Road or Tariq Makkah services, namely that pilgrims will get Saudi Arabia immigration services carried out in the country.
With this service, he said, Indonesian pilgrims do not need to undergo an examination when they arrive in Saudi Arabia.
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