JAKARTA - Conglomerate Anthony Salim is considered "aggressive" this year. The tycoon's feet are now treading everywhere.

Even though he already has various companies from the Indofood Group, the Indomobil Group, and various other companies, it seems that Anthony Salim is not satisfied.

Starting on August 20, 2020, PT Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk (ICBP) has completed the acquisition of 51 percent of Pinehill's shares from Pinehill Corpora and the remaining 49 percent from Steek Lake. The purchase price of all Pinehill's shares is USD 2.998 billion.

To Pinehill Corpora, Indofood CBP has paid USD 1.197 billion. Meanwhile, USD 331.5 million will be paid on April 30, 2022, depending on the provisions regarding the adjustment of the purchase price.

Pinehill Corpora is a consortium that is 49 percent owned by Anthony Salim. Thus, from the sale of Pinehill's shares last August, Anthony Salim earned fresh funds of USD 586.53 million or around IDR 8.5 trillion (exchange rate of IDR 14.500 per US dollar).

This Pinehill annexation act became a kind of "gasoline" for Anthony Salim to continue his aggressiveness. Not long ago, aka in early 2021, the name Anthony Salim suddenly appeared as a shareholder of PT Elang Mahkota Teknologi Tbk (EMTK) aka Emtek with ownership of more than 5 percent.

In the company owned by the family of conglomerate Eddy Kusnadi Sariatmadja, Anthony Salim's name is listed as a shareholder with an ownership of 5.13 billion shares representing 9.10 percent of EMTK's total shares.

Although there is no information at what price Anthoni Salim bought EMTK shares, if we assume the average purchase price throughout January 2021 at the level of IDR 1.933 per share, then the tycoon's purchase value of EMTK shares will reach IDR 9.28 trillion.

It doesn't stop there. In May 2021, Anthony Salim's ownership of EMTK shares increased.

Based on the monthly report on the registration of securities holders as of May 31, 2021, Anthony Salim is recorded to hold 5.51 billion shares of EMTK. That means, Anthony Salim has increased EMTK's share ownership by 383 million shares.

There is no information at what price Anthony Salim bought the additional EMTK shares. However, assuming the purchase price uses the average share price of EMTK in May 2021 of IDR 2.230 per share, the transaction value for the purchase of EMTK shares is estimated at IDR 854.1 billion.

Still in May 2021, Anthony Salim also invested his money in PT DCI Indonesia Tbk (DCII) which just held an initial public offering (IPO) earlier this year. On May 31, 2021, Anthony Salim purchased 192.74 DCII shares at a price of IDR 5.277 per share.

Thus, the transaction value of the purchase of DCII shares by Anthoni Salim reached IDR 1.02 trillion.

In addition to investing directly, Anthoni Salim also propagates his investment through several of his companies. Through Diamond Bridge, for example, Anthony Salim in September last year increased his share ownership in PT Medco Energi Internasional Tbk (MEDC).

Previously, Diamond Bridge recorded holding 3.83 billion shares of MEDC. As of September 2020, its ownership has increased to 5.4 billion MEDC shares.

Shareholder in Chairul Tanjung's bank

Through Indolife Pensiontama, since December last year, Anthony Salim has officially become a shareholder of PT Bank Mega Tbk (MEGA). In the bank owned by tycoon Chairul Tanjung, Indolife Pensiontama holds a 6.07 percent stake

Even in October, Indolife Pensiontama increased its share ownership in Bank Mega to 6.44 percent.

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