JAKARTA - Subholding Gas PT Pertamina (Persero), PT PGN Tbk, through its subsidiary PT Pertamina Gas (Pertagas), inaugurated the completion of the construction of a gas pipeline and mother station (MS) compressed natural gas (CNG) in Jiken District, Blora Regency, Central Java. , as an effort to optimize the use of natural gas, especially for industry.

President Director of Pertagas, Wiko Migantoro, said that the construction of this facility was intended to support the business of Pertagas' subsidiary, PT Pertagas Niaga, which previously supplied the industry with CNG using gas from East Java.

"With the new gas supply from ADK (Alas Dara Kemuning Field), the construction of pipeline facilities and mother stations is a form of Pertagas' efforts to ensure the stability of energy supply for industry in Java," said Wiko in a written statement in Jakarta, quoted by Antara, Friday, October 29.

The facilities built by Pertagas include the construction of a 4 kilometer gas pipeline and a mother station with a capacity of 3.5 MMSCFD. This facility will be able to supply natural gas needs for industries throughout Java, whose areas have not yet been connected to gas pipelines.

This mother station compresses gas sourced from PT Pertamina EP Cepu ADK (PEPC ADK) from the Alas Dara Kemuning (ADK) Field. This also marks the first use of gas produced from the PEPC ADK well which will start production in November 2021. Furthermore, this compressed gas will be transported by truck to industrial consumers.

The inauguration was attended by the Regent of Blora, Director of Logistics & Infrastructure of PT Pertamina (Persero), President Director of PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk, Board of Commissioners of PT Pertamina Gas and President Director of PT Pertagas Niaga.

Meanwhile, PGN President Director M Haryo Yunianto explained that Central Java is an area that is one of PGN's focuses to expand its expansion in the use of natural gas.

"In addition to distributing gas through pipes from the Kepodang Field and Jambaran Tiung Biru, we also continue to serve the non-pipeline industrial market. The reason is to support the acceleration of industrial growth in a short time, of course with competitive prices," said Haryo.

On this occasion Mulyono, Director of Logistics & Infrastructure of Pertamina, expressed his appreciation and pride because this project shows the synergy of all Pertamina Group affiliates.

"This project from upstream to downstream is carried out through the collaboration of Pertamina. Although the conditions in these years are quite challenging, Pertamina has succeeded in showing its commitment to continue to complete important projects for the security of Indonesia's energy supply," said Mulyono in his speech. In addition to CNG products, derivative products Another result is condensate. This product will then be used as a solvent for industrial purposes.

"Industrial demand for condensate needs is currently quite high and we are confident in meeting these needs, so we take a role in the advancement of the national industry," said Pertagas Niaga President Director Aminuddin.

Currently, PGN's gas subholding has supplied more than 700 BBTUD of natural gas for needs in Java. The supply is to meet the needs of industry, city gas network, gas-fueled transportation to power plants. This is a contribution in providing environmentally friendly alternative energy and reducing dependence on the use of fuel.

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