JAKARTA - The Ministry of Finance's Directorate General of Treasury has awarded State Property (BMN) grants worth Rp2.8 billion to 23 social institutions.

Secretary of the Directorate General of Treasury of the Ministry of Finance Didyk Choiroel said that this activity is a mandate from laws and regulations to optimize the efficiency of BMN in order to provide maximum benefits.

"This grant is expected to help the community, especially during the pandemic," he said in a written statement, Friday, October 29.

Didyk explained that the aid was distributed to social institutions in the Jabodetabek, Banyumas, Brebes, and Purworejo areas.

In detail, Sri Mulyani's subordinate explained that the BMN granted this year consisted of 805 units of furniture such as tables, chairs, cabinets, and sofas.

Then, 95 units of electronic goods such as computers, laptops, printers, scanners, and misty fans, as well as 1 unit of four-wheel operational service vehicle in the form of an ambulance. Didyk emphasized that the prospective grant recipients have gone through the process of verifying the files and supporting documents for the application, interviews, and site inspections.

"The verification process is carried out quite carefully and selectively with the hope that the purpose of granting BMN grants can be useful and appropriate according to needs or at least help alleviate the needs of grantees," he explained.

For information, this 2021 Directorate General of Treasury's BMN grant is the second time it has been carried out. In 2020, 880 BMN units have been granted with a total acquisition value of almost Rp2.5 billion to 19 social institutions in the Jabodetabek, Tegal, and Brebes areas.

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