Garuda Pilots Association Objects To PCR Requirements For Flights
Illustration/DOK Instagram garuda.indonesia

JAKARTA - The Garuda Pilots Association (APG) has expressed its objection to the rules regarding flight requirements to and from Java and Bali, which are required to show a negative Covid-19 test result using the Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) method.

"Airplane passengers traveling to and from the islands of Java and Bali are required to show a negative Covid-19 test result using the RT-PCR method within 2 x 24 hours, we from the Garuda Pilots Association (APG) express our objection to the SE," said the President of the Association. Garuda pilot Capt Donny Kusmanagri was quoted by Antara, Monday, October 25.

Donny said APG appreciated the government's achievement in reducing the number of Covid-19 transmissions and strongly supports the government's efforts to deal with the pandemic with the vaccination program, as well as the implementation of health protocols, especially for domestic travellers.

However, his party regretted the application of the flight conditions rule, considering that the economic recovery from the air transportation and tourism sectors in the last two months had shown a significant improvement process.

"When the rules for travel requirements for air transportation are tightened again with the above rules, this will again burden prospective passengers and have a direct impact on reducing the occupancy rate of aircraft which will ultimately hit the tourism sector," he said.

In addition, aircraft technology is also equipped with a HEPA filter that functions to prevent virus transmission onboard and based on research from various parties, the number of Covid-19 transmission on aircraft is very small compared to other modes of transportation.

Strict procedures and vaccination requirements are also applied to both flight crew and passengers.

He hoped that the ministry and related parties would conduct a review while still paying attention to the developments in handling the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia.

"Thus, we submit this request for review, hopefully the ministry and related parties can accept this input," concluded Donny.

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