JAKARTA - Minister of Finance (Menkeu), Sri Mulyani, said that her party was strongly committed to supporting the revival of national tourism after being severely depressed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to her, several measures and the policy mix will continue to be optimized to encourage the domestic leisure industry to recover.

"We will continue to support the Ministry of Tourism through steps and policies that can be taken and must remain accountable", she said through a virtual channel at the 2021 Parekraf National Coordination Meeting, Monday, September 27.

The Minister of Finance mentioned several important things that have been done, including the Ministry of Finance providing incentives and relaxation of tax levies in the tourism industry during the pandemic.

"We are also asked to support through banks so that those (tourism industry players) who are unable to repay loans in a stressful situation can survive", she said.

Then, the Ministry of Finance also initiated the placement of funds in banks to ensure credit disbursement can continue to flow to this sector.

"In fact, we provide guarantees to those who need loans with low-interest rates and so that banks are brave to continue to provide credit", she said.

Next is coordination with local governments in terms of collecting income drawn from business actors and the community.

"There are other incentives from various retributions in the regions which are then postponed or temporarily abolished in a pandemic situation. All of this is intended to provide space for the business world to be able to run again”, she explained.

For information, the government has allocated IDR 7.67 trillion to revive the national tourism industry. The budget is included in the 2021 National Economic Recovery Budget (PEN) for the priority program sub-sector which is IDR 117 trillion.

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