JAKARTA - First Lady Iriana Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said it was time for the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector to transform into Indonesia's new economic power.

This was conveyed by Iriana when opening the online Puncak Karya Kreatif Indonesia 2021. Iriana invited MSMEs to transform by increasing business capacity, holding various human resource pieces of training in the field of digitalization, business networking, and also exhibitions of MSME products.

"It's time for MSMEs to transform into a new economic power, by increasing MSME capacity, organizing various pieces of training such as digitalization, business coaching, the ability to build business relationships, and showcasing MSME products," said Iriana, quoted by Antara, Thursday, September 23.

Iriana invites MSME actors to remain optimistic and enthusiastic about developing their business during the COVID-19 pandemic. With various difficulties during the pandemic, Iriana hopes that MSME players can give birth to innovation and creativity in order to increase business scale.

"We must prepare ourselves as well as possible, increase expertise in terms of product design and marketing so that we can answer the tastes of the community, domestic and international needs so that our MSME products are increasingly known and in demand," she said.

The opportunity for MSMEs to grow, said Iriana, is very large and wide open. Indonesia has a very large population of up to 270 million people. The large population in the country reflects a promising market potential for MSME products.

"There are 270 million Indonesians who are ready to buy quality products for Indonesian MSMEs. In addition, there is also an international market whose opportunities are increasingly wide open," she said.

The First Lady appealed to MSME players to take advantage of virtual infrastructure in marketing their products. This can help SMEs to reach a wider market.

Iriana also invited the Indonesian people to be proud and buy Indonesian MSME products.

"More and more people buy, use Indonesian products so that MSMEs are able to get through this difficult situation, so that people who work in the MSME sector can still earn income," said Iriana Jokowi.

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