JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto said as many as 3.9 million people have registered for the Pre-Employment Card program batch 19 and 800,000 of them have passed.

"This Pre-Employment Card has been distributed during 2021 to 4.3 million and in this 19th wave, 3.9 million have registered and 800,000 recipients have received it," said Coordinating Minister Airlangga at the online PPKM Evaluation and Implementation press conference, quoted from Antara, Monday 7 September.

In addition, Airlangga also conveyed the latest developments regarding cash assistance for 1 million Street Vendors (PKL), stalls, and warteg which will soon be distributed by deploying the TNI-Polri.

"Given funds of IDR 1.2 million through the TNI-Polri, this will be implemented immediately and this is not a recipient of BPUM and business locations at PPKM Level 3 and 4," said Airlangga.

Furthermore, he also appreciated the coordination between the central government, regional governments, as well as the TNI-Polri and the community who worked together to suppress COVID-19 cases and were disciplined in implementing health protocols.

"I appreciate the participation of the community to continue to implement the health protocol using 3M masks as well as those carried out by the Task Force in handling 3T and of course vaccination," he said.

Airlangga also hopes that by December 208 million people will have been vaccinated with the first dose so that herd immunity can be formed soon. Meanwhile, the government determined that the implementation of PPKM outside Java-Bali was extended until September 20.

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