JAKARTA - The government through the Acting Director-General of Agro Industry at the Ministry of Industry, Putu Juli Ardika, said that his party appreciated the implementation of health protocols (prokes) at tobacco processing factories in a number of areas.

“Some time ago, we made a working visit to three tobacco products industry companies to see firsthand the implementation of the health protocols they were running. It turns out that this industry which is classified as labor-intensive and export-oriented has excellent guidelines and facilities in an effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19", he said in a press statement, quoted on Saturday, September 4.

According to Putu, what business actors are doing is a form of concern in preventing the spread of the pandemic while continuing to carry out productive economic activities.

“During the visit, we received a lot of input regarding the operation of the PeduliLindungi application as a screening method. They admit that they find it helpful to detect early on to employees or guests who will enter and leave the company environment", he said.

One of the production facilities that Putu visited was the PT Djarum factory in Kudus, Central Java. He said, the production process at the Machine-made Cigarette (SKM) factory mostly uses advanced technology, including robotics. At these locations, keep a safe distance for all employees who are active.

"In order to educate its employees about prokes and COVID-19, PT Djarum made a kind of comic so that it can be interesting and easy to understand", he said when describing the situation at the company owned by the Hartono Brothers conglomerate.

To note, PT Djarum also produces hand-rolled kretek cigarettes (SKT), cigars, and sliced tobacco (TIS). The total number of employees working in this place reached 53.028 people.

"The number of workers who have been vaccinated is 34.519 people or 65 percent. Now, this September, Djarum will also carry out mass vaccinations as well as deliver oxygen concentrators in collaboration with us at the Ministry of Industry", he said.

Besides visiting PT Djarum, Putu also took the time to stop by PT HM Sampoerna in Surabaya, and PT Bentoel Prima in Malang, East Java.

While visiting PT HM Sampoerna, Putu directly reviewed various rules and facilities to maintain the safety and health of employees. Here he found all his workers who were mothers, had been divided according to their compartments. The distance between the workers is set at about 1.5 meters.

Meanwhile, Sampoerna's SKT production area in Rungkut, Surabaya has two factories. In factory 1, there are 5.199 workers, of which 5.197 people (99 percent) have been vaccinated. Meanwhile, in factory 2 there are 2.709 workers, 2.634 of whom (97 percent) have been vaccinated.

Then at PT. Bentoel Prima, Putu believes that the situation is monitored to support the health protocol. The total workforce in the factory is 1.537 people, and 1.400 workers (91 percent) of whom have been vaccinated.

“At the Bentoel factory, the health clinic is in front of the employee entrance area. If there are symptoms, they can immediately be examined by the doctor on duty", he said.

For information, in 2020 tobacco product excise revenues reached IDR 170.24 trillion or contributed 10.4 percent to the state budget. In addition, Indonesia is the 6th largest exporter in the world for IHT products with a valuation of USD 864 million.

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