JAKARTA - Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) Sandiaga Uno revealed that he is currently preparing a number of business recovery programs for Meeting, Incentive, Convention and Exhibition (MICE) after experiencing a slump due to the Implementation of Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKM).

The tourism sub-sector will receive the distribution of Government Incentive Assistance (BIP) as well as grant funds which are now called Government Assistance for Tourism Businesses.

"BIP has entered the final curation stage and we hope that by the end of August or September (2021) it will be liquidated with the coordination of the recipient party," said Sandiaga Uno, quoted from Antara, Friday, August 20.

He believes that the assistance provided can maintain the business as well as prevent layoffs. Sandiaga stated that his party would provide a number of conveniences to MICE business actors.

In addition, with COVID-19 cases under control, community activities will be relaxed again by referring to strict health protocols and discipline based on Cleanliness, Health, Safety and Environment Sustainability (CHSE).

"Therefore, coordination is through the Parekraf Concierge, so it's like if we enter the hotel there is a concierge (function room), whatever we ask can be directed. The concept is like that and will be bridged, especially with the police and the COVID-19 Task Force," he said.

Menparekraf believes that through innovation, adaptation, and collaboration, the national tourism sector, especially the MICE business, can survive the pandemic.

"Hopefully our togetherness can increase, not only resilience, but also what is called Indonesia Tough, Indonesia Grows," said Sandiaga.

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