MSMEs Must Be Able To See Opportunities To Survive

JAKARTA - The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has forced the government to finally implement the implementation of community activity restrictions (PPKM) to prevent the spread of the virus that causes COVID-19. As a result, the limitation of these activities triggers losses for MSME business actors.

Then how can MSMEs survive in the midst of a pandemic and PPKM?

DKI Jakarta Regional Representative Council (DPD) member Fahira Idris said that in this difficult time, business actors cannot just wait for customers without doing anything. Innovation and creativity must also be maximized so that selling products can compete in the market.

For example, said Fahira, one of the cilok merchants in West Nusa Tenggara managed to attract buyers because he was creative in exploring his selling products. This cilok craftsman named Lutfi attracted attention because he was selling in a formal style like an official complete with shirts, and tie.

"He sells cilok on a motorbike but wears a neat suit with a cap. The video is viral, the turnover is increasing, even Bang Sandi has video calls. This means that if we are able to do things that are out of the book, I think we can do that. What does that mean? Let's be smart in analyzing new business potentials that can grow in the midst of a pandemic", she said in a virtual discussion, Thursday, August 5.

Fahira reminded MSMEs not to complain about the difficult situation during the COVID-19 pandemic. According to her, if the business being run is sluggish, business actors must be able to switch to seeing opportunities in different sectors.

"If our business is hit, we inevitably have to switch to a developing sector. So we have to shift our focus and make products that are relevant. Then also create products that consumers are really looking for with the goods we have. Then, promote", she said.

Not only that, said Fahira, MSME business actors must also take advantage of the digital market or marketplace. According to him, by entering the digital market, the product marketing area can be wider and target many groups.

"This is the most important thing. MSME friends don't be lazy. Many MSMEs have not maximized online services. Join various e-commerce sites to expand merchandise in the marketplace", she said.

According to Fahira, the opportunity for selling through online is currently wide open. Because, during this pandemic, the pattern of people's behavior is changing, nowadays people tend to feel more secure when shopping online than shopping in person.

"Except for urgent matters. What must MSMEs do in order to survive this pandemic and PPKM? The key in my opinion is that we must enter the digital ecosystem", he said.

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