JAKARTA - Bank Indonesia (BI) will launch BI Fast Payment or BI FAST at the end of this year. Related to this, PT Anabatic Technologies Tbk (Anabatic) has prepared a solution to help banks be technologically ready so that BI FAST implementation can run smoothly.

The solution, namely the Digital X'formation Platform/DXP. Regina Anastasia, Head of Solution Anabatic explained, DXP will create communication for omnichannel owned by the bank.

The DXP platform is an additional layer or digital payment switch that is deployed on IBM servers to maintain the stability and scalability of the platform. DXP is a solution that can help banks carry out transformations, they don't have to change the entire existing system but only add one layer. DXP also helps banks to communicate via API, ISO 8583 to ISO 20022 which is needed for transformation to meet BI FAST and new swift regulation.

"For example, a bank has an internal system related to its core banking, related to credit cards to the treasury system. This can communicate with its digital system (eKYC, biometrics, e-wallet, Open API)", she explained, in a Webinar Digital Payment System Ecosystem Towards BI FAST" organized by Infobank and Anabatic, Tuesday, August 3.

Regina added that in order to match the connectors from BI, the platform's capabilities provided were not limited to just converters.

"But we provide it in terms of the digital payment switch. So it has a value that is not limited to converters. Because how can banks be able to "in" with the 2021 Indonesian Payment System Blueprint (BSPI)", she explained.

As is known, 2021 will be the year of accelerating digital economic growth. Entering the digital era, people also need payment system services that are faster, easier, cheaper, and safer.

The industry also welcomed the presence of BI Fast, because it would have a positive impact on the growth of the digital economy.

The Chief Economist of PT Bank Mandiri Tbk, Andry Asmoro himself said that currently, banks have started competing in digital transformation to provide the best service for their customers, starting from changes in business models, scaleup to the bank, customer experience.

This was done in line with the increasing use of technology, from 0.2 percent to 50 percent, ranging from internet banking to mobile banking.

"The development of digital natives in Indonesia is driven by Internet penetration. Bank Mandiri itself has carried out digital transformation long before the pandemic", he said.

The same thing was conveyed by EVP For Application Management & Operations of BRI Bank, I Nyoman Sugiriyasa. Everything is currently renovating towards digital, many digital platforms have sprung up, especially during a pandemic. So that the digital payment system that is cheap, fast, and safe is increasingly being felt by the community.

"Financial services are also changing very quickly, people have started to reduce transactions with cash, which is no less important than digital payments, which are starting very rapidly. What's interesting, digital platforms are starting to improve their services to be able to meet people's needs with super apps", he explained.

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