JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto said that the 3T (Testing, Tracing, and Treatment) formula, the synergy of response speed, and community compliance were the keys to overcoming the surge in COVID-19 cases.

Coordinating Minister Airlangga gave an example of the successful handling of COVID-19 in Kudus due to the Delta variant, due to the synergy between the government, TNI, and Polri.

"The strategy applied is the generic 3T and 3M formulas, but the excellent synergy between the speed of the central government's response, the seriousness of the local government, the firmness of the apparatus, and compliance and community cooperation are the keys," said Coordinating Minister Airlangga at the National Police Education and Training Level II National Leadership Training. online, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, August 3.

As a result of this synergy, he continued, the number of active cases and BOR at the peak point on June 12 was 2,342 and 100 percent had been successfully reduced, until as of July 31 there were 228 active cases and 14 percent BOR.

He emphasized that 3T will also continue to be intensified as downstream efforts. In particular, testing activities will be increased to reduce the positivity rate in accordance with what is stated in the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs regarding the implementation of PPKM Level III and IV.

"Testing needs to be improved and various aspects and suspects need to be maintained. The government encourages Babinsa and Bhabinkamtibmas to be involved along with volunteers so that this can continue to be fully monitored and the tracing is running," said Coordinating Minister Airlangga.

In the context of handling patients, the government continues to increase the capacity of hospital beds for COVID-19 by requiring conversions of up to 40 percent, adding centralized isolation facilities, meeting oxygen needs by forming Oxygen Task Forces in areas and meeting the needs of medicines and medical devices.

Acceleration of vaccination also continues to be carried out to immediately reach the target of herd immunity. It is recorded that more than 67 million doses of vaccine have been injected, consisting of 46.98 million doses of 1st vaccination and 20.05 million doses of vaccination.

Meanwhile, regarding efforts to restore the national economy, Coordinating Minister Airlangga stated that the government has increased the allocation of the 2021 PEN Budget from the previous Rp699.43 trillion to Rp744.75 trillion.

The increase in the budget is intended to improve handling on the health side and protect people affected by the pandemic through social protection programs.

"The government ensures the sustainability of micro and small businesses by providing incentives for Informal Micro Enterprises of IDR 1.2 million per business unit for 1 million micro businesses. The distribution of aid will be assisted by the TNI and Polri with an accountable mechanism," explained Coordinating Minister Airlangga.

In the midst of tightening PPKM Level III and IV, the government also continues to maintain people's purchasing power and encourage economic recovery through the extension of electricity discounts, Ultra Micro Productive Assistance, Cash Social Assistance, Pre-Employment Card Programs, and Business Incentives. In addition to encouraging the acceleration of the distribution of PKH, basic food cards, and Village BLT in order to strengthen the social safety net in the community.

"The government still needs cooperation from PoIri in handling the pandemic. The National Police Unit and the community will wait for the participation of the leadership training participants this time and hopefully the things gained in this training can be implemented well in the field by the participants," said Coordinating Minister Airlangga .

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