JAKARTA - Head of the Fiscal Policy Agency (BKF) of the Ministry of Finance, Febrio Kacaribu, revealed that Indonesia continues to learn from the experiences of various countries in line with the pandemic conditions that have been going on for the past 1.5 years. He said that the recovery will occur if it's in line with proper health care.

“The COVID-19 pandemic is placing a very high level of uncertainty on the economy. We need to be careful and continue to maintain discipline on health protocols. We also learn that vaccination acceleration is one of the main keys to controlling cases", he said in a press statement, Wednesday, July 28.

According to Febrio, at the global level such as in the G20 forum, all countries are using various efforts to overcome the escalation of the new wave of COVID-19 due to the Delta variant.

This is done by ensuring equitable access to vaccines throughout the country as well as ensuring the availability of funds to provide stimulus, both in the fields of health and social protection.

"Through this step, it is hoped that the rate of COVID-19 cases can be controlled immediately", he said.

Febrio added that vaccination is indeed one of the key policies for every country to control the pandemic.

Indonesia itself is currently targeting to encourage daily vaccination at the level of 1.5 million doses and will continue to increase gradually. As of July 27, 2021, the cumulative total of vaccines that have been given to the public has reached 63.94 million doses.

"Meanwhile, the government has also ensured that the amount of vaccine is available so that the acceleration of vaccination can be carried out according to the target", he said.

In the future, continued Febrio, the government will continue to work hard to continue to accelerate vaccination so that its implementation is consistent with the set targets.

"Through tightening policies and various efforts made in the health sector, Indonesia is expected to be able to overcome the surge in the COVID-19 pandemic, so that the economic recovery process can run well", concluded the Head of the Fiscal policy Agency (BKF).

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