JAKARTA - Minister of Finance, Sri Mulyani, stated that the 2021 State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN) throughout the first semester had experienced a deficit of IDR 283.2 trillion 1.72 percent of gross domestic product (GDP).

The shortfall in the state budget was due to the higher state spending, amounting to IDR 1,170.1 trillion, compared to revenues of IDR 886.9 trillion.

The Minister of Finance explained that state revenue in the first half of this year was 9.1 percent on an annual basis and had touched 50.9 percent of the budget ceiling amounting to IDR .1,743.6 trillion.

"This year's growth is very good from last year's contraction of minus 9.7 percent", said the Minister of Finance in a virtual press conference on Monday, July 5.

In detail, state revenue was contributed by tax revenues of IDR 557.8 trillion or 45.4 percent of this year's target of IDR 1,229.6 trillion.

"Tax revenues grew close to 5 percent or 4.9 percent on an annual basis where last year our taxes suffered a very strong blow with a contraction of minus 12 percent or IDR 531.8 trillion", she said.

Then, from customs and excise, it was reported that the revenue collected was IDR122.2 trillion or 56.9 percent of this year's target of IDR215.0 trillion. Then, the Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) sector increased by 11.4 percent from last year to IDR 206.9 trillion.

"When viewed as a whole in the first semester, it can be seen that the recovery that occurred was very strong", said the Minister of Finance.

In terms of spending, central government spending still dominates with a book value of IDR 796.3 trillion, up 19.1 percent from last year. This amount was mainly absorbed by ministry/institutional expenditures which amounted to IDR 449.6 trillion or 43.6 percent of the ceiling.

Meanwhile, non-ministerial/institutional spending was recorded at IDR 346.7 trillion, up 8.9 percent year-on-year (YoY).

Then, transfers to regions amounted to IDR373.9 trillion, or a 6.8 percent contraction from last year's IDR 400.9 trillion.

"Even after the transfer, it turns out that there are still some that have not been used directly by local governments", he added.

"With the various movements and changes that are now happening, especially regarding the increase in COVID-19 cases, the APBN needs to support again, especially programs in the health and social protection sectors", closed Minister Sri Mulyani.

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