JAKARTA - The government received an Unqualified Opinion (WTP) from the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) on the 2020 Central Government Financial Report (LKPP) based on the Examination Result Report (LHP).

Head of the Communication and Information Bureau of the Ministry of Finance Rahayu Puspasari said this WTP opinion was the fifth time in a row since LKPP in 2016 and was the best audit opinion achievement on a financial report.

“The 2020 LKPP presented by the government does not have material errors, which can be an exception to the fair opinion given. Therefore, BPK has sufficient confidence that the 2020 LKPP is worthy of obtaining a WTP opinion," he said in a press statement, Tuesday, June 22.

Rahayu added that the BPK examination included the COVID-19 Pandemic Handling and National Economic Recovery Program (PC-PEN) with an allocation of Rp695.20 trillion. Meanwhile, PC-PEN Reporting in LKPP is carried out in accordance with the mandate of Article 13 of Perppu Number 1 of 2020, as ratified by Law Number 2 of 2020.

"For the government, the WTP opinion on LKPP is very important because it can maintain public trust in the management of state finances as well as evidence that state finances have been managed professionally, prudently, transparently and accountably," he said.

Rahayu also explained that the government has worked hard to ensure that the role of the state budget remains optimal as an effective fiscal instrument in responding to the various impacts of the pandemic while maintaining national development goals or targets.

"The government appreciates all the recommendations given and is ready to follow up, among others, by preparing steps to improve the planning, implementation and budget accountability mechanisms," he said.

It was also explained that the improvement of accountability procedures as well as improvements derived from the follow-up to the results of the BPK audit, would be the basis and consideration for the government in improving the management of state finances.

"This is all for the realization of community welfare and social justice, as well as the best achievement of national development goals," concluded Rahayu.

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