JAKARTA - The government through the Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi took aim at Damri and Transjakarta as the top priorities in the Battery-Based Electric Motor Vehicle Program (KBLBB) for the public transport segment.

According to the Minister of Transportation, it is currently working on a road map of the use of environmentally friendly energy for road transportation in Indonesia in accordance with Presidential Regulation No. 55 of 2019.

"This road map we have coordinated with Kemkomarvest. Next week we will present in one more detailed discussion, so that it can be used as a guideline or benchmark for relevant stakeholders," he said as quoted from the official website, Friday, May 21.

The Minister of Transportation added that a number of efforts have been made by the Ministry of Transportation to encourage the KBLBB program in Indonesia, such as accelerating the use of electric buses.

In addition, the government is also preparing a number of strategic steps by planning the use of KBLBB as an operational vehicle for three pilot cities, namely Jakarta, West Java and Bali.

"Electric vehicles can also be a preference for Indonesia to be an exporting country for electric vehicles because we have supporting resources," he said.


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Furthermore, the Minister of Transportation also revealed that the ranks in the Ministry of Transportation have coordinated with the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and PLN to provide charging stations at major transportation nodes such as stations and airports.

On the same occasion, Chairman of the Indonesian Electric Vehicle Industry Association Moeldoko mentioned that road maps and standard regulations are needed as a transition to the use of electric vehicles in a more structured and legal force.

Moeldoko, who also serves as The President's Chief of Staff, said the acceleration of the KBLBB program in Indonesia is an inevitability that can not be delayed anymore.

"We must all be sure that the government has taken a quick and wise step in deciding how the construction of electric vehicles should be realized properly immediately," he said.

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