The Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) of the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) revealed that until March 27, 2025, there were 11.55 million taxpayers who had reported Annual Notification (SPT) of income tax (PPH) for the 2024 tax year.

Director of Counseling, Services and Public Relations of the Directorate General of Taxes Dwi Astuti said that as of 27 March 2025 at 00.01 WIB there were 11.55 million SPT taxpayers who had reported SPT Annual PPh or grew 9.57 percent compared to the same period last year.

"This figure consists of 11.23 million SPT Annual private people and 322,000 SPT Annual bodies," he told VOI, Thursday, March 27.

Dwi conveyed that reporting on the Annual SPT on time is a reflection of our compliance and proof of love for the nation and state.

For this reason, approaching the deadline for reporting PPh Annual SPT for the fiscal year 2024, he appealed to all taxpayers to immediately report their Annual SPT through the channel because they reported earlier, it was more comfortable.

The SPT reporting deadline for individual taxpayers is March 31, 2025, and for corporate taxpayers on April 30, 2025.

If the taxpayer encounters obstacles, please contact the local tax office or the 1500 200 Tax Kring.

Previously, the Government through the Directorate General (DITjen) of Taxes officially issued the Decree of the Director General of Taxes (Kepdirjen Tax) Number 79/PJ/2025.

This decision regulates the Policy for the Elimination of Administrative Sanctions on the Suspension of Income Tax Payments in Article 29 which is Debtable and/or Submission of Annual Tax Returns for Personal People for the Year of Taxes 2024.

The decision relates to National Holidays and Joint Leave in the Context of Nyepi Holy Day ( Saka New Year 1947) and Eid Al-Fitr 1446 Hijriah on March 25, 2025.

This Tax Policy provides relaxation for Private Taxpayers (WP OP) by eliminating administrative sanctions for late income tax payments (PPh) Article 29 and submitting SPT Annual PPh WP OP for the 2024 Tax Year even after the maturity date.

Based on the applicable regulations, the deadline for payments and reporting is March 31, 2025, until no later than April 11, 2025.

Meanwhile, the abolition of the administrative sanctions was given by not issuing a Tax Bill Letter (STP).

On the other hand, the background for the issuance of the regulation is the deadline for payment of PPh Article 29 and the delivery of SPT Annual WP OP for the 2024 Tax Year on March 31, 2025, to coincide with national holidays and collective leave in the context of Nyepi Holy Day ( Saka 1947 New Year) and Idulfitiri 1446 Hijriah which is quite long, namely until April 7, 2025.

Dwi conveyed that the condition of the national holiday and collective leave has the potential to cause delays in paying the PPh tax Article 29 and reporting the Annual SPT for the 2024 Tax Year, considering the number of working days in March to be less.

Another consideration is that the government wants to be fair and provide legal certainty for taxpayers by removing administrative sanctions for the delay in payment of PPh Article 29 as well as reporting, in this case only for SPT Annual WP OP for the 2024 Tax Year," he said in his statement, Wednesday, March 26.

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