JAKARTA - Bank Indonesia (BI) claims to have never issued a new IDR 100.000 coin as a means of payment transactions recently. This denial was conveyed directly by the BI Public Relations Team when confirmed by VOI editorial team.

"It's not true, that is hoax", he said on Monday night, April 26.

It can be ascertained that the information does not come from Bank Indonesia, and its authenticity cannot be accounted for. It was also stated that every issue of new money or other special editions would be explained through the official channels of the central bank.

"If we launch new money, we will definitely release it on the official website", he said.

Meanwhile, the latest edition of money launched by Bank Indonesia as a legal medium of exchange and transactions is the special edition of the 75th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia (UPK 75 of RI) which was introduced last year.

"That's right (IDR 75.000), that's the last edition to be launched", he said.

Especially for UPK 75 of RI, BI implemented a new policy of loosening the maximum exchange limit to 100 pieces per ID card per day.

"The exchange of UPK 75 Tahun RI, either individually or collectively, can be done at the BI Office with the same ordering and exchange procedures as the previous mechanism", Head of the BI Communication Department Erwin Haryono some time ago.

In addition, the monetary authority also encourages the public to use this special edition money as a gift and holiday allowance (THR) during the Eid Al-Fitr 2021 momentum. This step aims to encourage public consumption amidst the national economic recovery, as well as as a legal means of payment.

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