JAKARTA - After making a fuss about the appointment of Kuntjoro Pinardi as Director of Maintenance and Repair of PT PAL (Persero), the concerned person declared his resignation from the position he had only held for five days.

"I do not want this commotion to continue so that it will interfere with the sustainability of PT PAL's business in the future. Therefore, I hereby declare my resignation as Director of Maintenance and Repair of PT PAL," said Kuntjoro Pinardi in his statement to reporters, Monday, April 26.

He hopes that after his resignation everything can go well in the future, and the various development programs planned by the government under the leadership of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) can run well.

Previously, many expressed their disapproval of Kuntjoro's appointment on the grounds that he was a PKS cadre, a group that supports HTI and ISIS radicalism.

"For me personally, I cannot accept the accusation that I am a supporter of ISIS and HTI. I have indeed been a PKS legislative candidate in the 2014 election in the Central Java electoral district. After failing to be elected, I resigned from the party and returned to academia and business according to my area of expertise," said Kuntjoro.

Previously, the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) stipulated a replacement of the board of directors at PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) through the Decree of the Minister of BUMN Number: SK-123/MBU/04/2021 dated April 21, 2021. Koentjoro was appointed as Director of Maintenance and Repair.

The appointment, according to him, was well received and he was committed to carrying out his duties as much as possible with all his skills and abilities. His educational background and work indeed show his expertise in managerial and governance in the development of information technology and telecommunications.

Prior to this appointment, Koentjoro fully worked as a lecturer, among other things, teaching Data Communication subjects. He also served as a member of the Risk Management and Information Technology Committee at Social Security Provider of Employment (BPJS Ketenagakerjaan), in addition to working for several international companies.

"This knowledge and work experience, in my opinion, are the considerations for the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) in appointing me to be the director of PT PAL," he said.

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