JAKARTA - Chairman of Commission XI DPR RI Misbakhun explained that domestic factors such as the APBN deficit do not need to be too worried by investors, because usually at the beginning of the year there is always a deficit which is followed by an increase.
"It's always the deficit at the beginning, and then we always experience an increase. Soon, it's only been two months. Usually we have annual SPT receptions in March and April, individuals and corporations, usually we experience rebounds. That's what always happens. So don't worry too much about performance at the beginning," he told the media crew, Tuesday, March 18.
Regarding the decline in state revenues, Misbakhun is optimistic that this will recover with the following month's revenue supported by customs, taxes, and Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) revenues.
"Yes, state revenues. But we can compensate with the receipts the following month. I am very optimistic, because our customs revenue has increased. Our PNBP acceptance will then experience (improvements) of the situation due to commodity prices," he explained.
Misbakhun emphasized that there is nothing to worry about related to fiscal stability.
However, he said, market conditions are difficult to predict.
"Yes, it can be (panic selling). We can never predict the market. And we can never define what happens in the market," he said.
Regarding concerns about the recession, Misbakhun considered that there was no reason to worry because inflation was low, and economic growth was good.
"Everything we inflation in is low. Economic growth is growing. Where is the recession? We can't find a reason for the recession," he added.
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