JAKARTA - Stock trading in session I on the Indonesia Stock Exchange temporarily stopped in the middle of the road. The Composite Stock Price Index (JCI) experienced a temporary suspension or trading stop after falling 5 percent.

JCI in trading Tuesday, March 18 at 11.19.31 p.m. Jakarta Automated Trading System (JATS) dropped 325.03 or 5.02 percent to 6,146.91.

The decline was compared to the previous closing at the level of 6,471.95. As for the opening, the JCI had immediately reddened to 6,458.67.

Therefore, the IDX immediately traded a bus stop. Trading bus itself is a temporary suspension or suspension of stock trading because the Composite Stock Price Index (JCI) has decreased to a certain extent.

"This is done in accordance with the IDX's Board of Directors Decree Number: Kep-00024/BEI/03-2020 dated March 10, 2020 regarding Changes in the Guidelines for Trading Sustainability on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in Emergency Conditions," quoted IDX statement.

The IDX also informed that trading will continue at 11:49:31 p.m. JATS time without changing the trading schedule.

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