Deputy Minister of Industry (Wamenperin) Faisol Riza responded to the plan of the Indonesian Truck Entrepreneurs Association (Aptrindo) which will stop its operations starting March 20.
The strike was a form of protest against the policy of limiting the operation of goods transportation during the Lebaran 2025 period.
Faisol stated that the strike policy is feared to have a negative impact on the performance of the industrial sector.
"This will definitely have an effect (on the industrial sector), so we will give our opportunity to communicate and coordinate with parties who can provide space for transportation entrepreneurs to keep operating," said Faisol to reporters in Jakarta, Monday, March 17.
Faisol will also communicate and coordinate with the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) to discuss this.
He hopes that the implementation of the 2025 Lebaran homecoming can run smoothly. "Hopefully everything can be arranged properly, so as not to interfere with the 2025 homecoming," he said.
Previously, news had spread about truck entrepreneurs who were members of the Indonesian Truck Entrepreneurs Association (Aptrindo) that they would carry out a national strike starting March 20, 2025.
The strike plan is contained in Aptrindo Circular Number 526/DPP APTRINDO/III/2025. The letter was signed by the Chairman of the DPP Indonesian Truck Entrepreneurs Association (Aptrindo) Gemilang Tarigan. The Mogok was carried out following the Ministry of Transportation's policy of prohibiting them from crossing the toll road during Lebaran homecoming.
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