JAKARTA - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) issued the Reference Coal Price (HBA) for the second period of March 2025 through the Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Number 92.K/MB.01/MEM.B/2025 concerning Reference Metal Mineral Prices and Reference Coal Prices for the Second Period of March 2025.
Through the Instagram page @ditjeminerb, it was revealed that there was a decrease in prices on this black gold commodity.
"For HBA, price reduction occurs in every GAR of calories. The international coal market is also an influence on the current decline in HBA," wrote the Directorate General of Mineral and Coal as quoted on Monday, March 17.
It is known, HBA for coal with an equal calorie value of 6,322 kcal per kg GAR in the second period of March 2025 was set at 117.76 US dollars per ton or decreased when compared to the first March regulation which was priced at 128.24 US dollars per ton.
Meanwhile, coal with a calori 5,300 kcal per kg GAR is priced at 80.7 US dollars per ton.
This figure has decreased compared to the first period which was priced at 82.66 US dollars per ton.
Meanwhile, HBA for coal with a price of 4,100 kcal/kg GAR also fell to 49.44 US dollars per ton.
Finally, coal with calories of 3,400 kcal/kg GAR fell to the level of 33.71 US dollars per ton in the second period of March when compared to the first period which was set at 34.16 per ton.
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