JAKARTA - Increase collaboration between financial institutions, PT Indonesia Infrastructure Finance (IIF) and PT Bank SMBC Indonesia Tbk (SMBC Indonesia) signed a cooperation agreement related to foreign exchange transaction banking services worth 15 million US dollars.

The signing of the cooperation agreement was carried out by Faridh Hilmy Muhsinin as Head of Institutional Relations and Treasury IIF and Ivone Daissy Trisanti as Financial Institution Team Head of SMBC Indonesia.

Interim Director & Director of Finance IIF, Rizki Pribadi Hasan said, the purpose of the collaboration is to facilitate efficient foreign exchange transactions and protect against exchange rate risks and optimize cash flow management to protect the exchange rate of foreign exchange transaction banking services from SMBC Indonesia.

"IIF can be more efficient in managing financial risks and ensuring the smooth operation of funded infrastructure projects," he explained, in a written statement, Friday, March 14.

Nathan Christianto, Head of Wholesale, Commercial and Transaction Banking SMBC Indonesia, revealed that the support SMBC Indonesia provides to IIF is in line with SMBC Indonesia's mission to support sustainable development in Indonesia, one of which is through infrastructure development.

"This collaboration is also a new milestone for us in providing support to IIF as an affiliated company to work together to encourage more meaningful economic growth for Indonesia," he explained.

On the previous occasion, IIF has also collaborated with SMBC Indonesia regarding reference cooperation on agency services and short-term credit facilities for various loan on note facility currencies worth IDR 300 billion.

This collaboration reflects the commitment of the two institutions in supporting Indonesia's economic growth through sustainable infrastructure development.

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