The Amount Of THR For Civil Servants From Various Groups Who Are Ready To Be Spent
Illustration of State Civil Servants (Photo: Antara documentation)

YOGYAKARTA - All State Civil Servants (ASN) can now breathe a sigh of relief. The Minister of Finance, Sri Mulyani, announced that the Minister of Finance, Sri Mulyani, had announced the certainty of the amount of the Hari Raya Allowance they would receive on the D-10 Eid.

The amount of THR ASN in 2021 is greater than what was budgeted in the previous year. The THR received by ASN, as well as the TNI and Polri is IDR 45.5 trillion. This was conveyed by Sri Mulyani through the KITA State Budget which was carried out boldly, Thursday, April 22.

"The value of Rp. 45.4 trillion compared to the actual expenditure of up to trillion months of Rp. 350 is very large," said Finance Minister Sri Mulyani.

In 2020, the amount of THR ASN issued is IDR 29.3 trillion. The details of the distribution, between central civil servants, the National Police, and the TNI amounted to Rp. 6.7 trillion, Rp. 13.8 trillion for civil servants in the regions, and Rp. 8.7 trillion for retirees.

Then what is the amount of THR for PNS in 2021? Here are the details.


Of the total state budget allocation of Rp.45.4 trillion, Civil Servants receive an allowance of THR Rp.30.6 trillion. Menkeru Sri Mulyani explained that the THR payment would be made in stages as usual, namely on D-10 to a maximum of D-5.

The THR of Rp.30.6 trillion for civil servants, military and police will be spent, the minister said further. The expenditure budget, namely Rp. 15.8 trillion for the central government and Rp. 14.8 trillion for the regions.

THR for civil servants this year is fully liquid

Reportedly, THR for civil servants in 2021 will be managed to be fully liquid, different from the previous year. The THR given in 2020 will be discounted due to the budget for handling COVID-19.

Isa Rachmatarwata, Director General of Budget at the Ministry of Finance, said that the government will pay the civil servants' THR this year in full, without being subject to any deductions. The calculation of THR 2021 includes all components, including performance allowances.

The amount of work allowance for each institution has a different amount. The rules regarding the stipulation of the allowance are contained in the Presidential Decree.

THR Received by Civil Servants

Salaries for civil servants are stipulated in Government Regulation (PP) No 15 of 2019. Salaries collected by civil servants are divided by class, namely from the lowest to the highest working period.

Class I civil servants with a work period of 32 years reach a monthly salary of IDR 1.56 million. For class IV civil servants with a work period of 32 years, the salary is up to IDR 5.9 million.

Then, how much is the THR received? Let's take the example of a civil servant from the Directorate General of Taxes, Ministry of Finance. The lowest position gets a performance allowance of IDR 5.36 million. Meanwhile, a performance allowance of Rp. 117.3 million is given to the highest position, echelon I.

Based on this income, the THR obtained by tax civil servants with the lowest position reached Rp.6.92 million. Meanwhile, those who reached the position reached Rp. 123.2 million. This amount results from combining the basic salary and performance benefits.

The THR received does not include other allowances that are included in the salary component, such as job allowances, family allowances. Additional notes, DGT PNS allowances are calculated using the new system by looking at work performance, Employee Performance Value (NKP), and employee contributions.

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