JAKARTA - The construction of the Jabodebek light rail transit (LRT) is targeted for completion from August to September 2021. However, it is estimated that the LRT will not be operational this year. PT Adhi Karya Tbk President Director Entus Asnawi Mukhson has set a target to operate in the middle of next year.

"It is hoped that by mid-2022, the Jabodebek LRT will start operating", he said in a virtual discussion, Wednesday, April 21.

The reason, said Entus, was that after the Jabodebek LRT was completed, it had to go through a series of tests first. He said one of the tests that needed to be done was the signaling system and others.

"Because the technology used by the Jabodebek LRT is driverless, the testing is rather long. Some are six months and some are nine months", he said.

In his presentation, Entus also said that the progress of the LRT construction had reached 83.5 percent with 100 percent of the U-Shaped Girder having been installed.

As for the progress of the construction of the Jabodebek LRT line in each lane, including the construction of the Lane 1 Cawang-Cibubur, the progress has reached 93.7 percent. Then the progress of the construction of Lane 2 Cawang-Kuningan-Dukuh Atas reached 82.7 percent.

Then, for Lane 3, namely Cawang-East Bekasi, currently, the construction process is 90.3 percent. As for the Jabodebek LRT Depot in East Bekasi, land acquisition has reached 100 percent and the construction progress has reached 38.8 percent.

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