The Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, Airlangga Hartarto, met with the Minister of Energy and Infrastructure of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Suhail Mohamed Al Mazrouei, to discuss opportunities for strategic cooperation in the energy sector between the two countries.

Suhail emphasized that Indonesia is a strategic partner for the UAE, especially in the framework of the Indonesia-United Arab Emirates Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (I-UAE CEPA). He also highlighted the many potential collaborations in various sectors, including energy development.

One of Suhail's proposals is that the two countries have superior programs (*champion project*) in the energy sector, such as the development of large capacity power plants up to 100GW and the construction of data centers (*data center*).

"We need a task force to ensure that the cooperation between the energy sectors of the two countries can be implemented properly," said Suhail in his statement, Sunday (2/2).

Furthermore, he submitted a plan to formulate a comprehensive cooperation proposal related to the development of bauxite and gas downstreaming, which is considered important for the aluminum industry and the construction of large-scale power plants.

Responding to this, Airlangga expressed his support and emphasized the importance of accelerating the implementation of the I-UAE CEPA.

“Kita harus segera mempercepat kerja sama ini dan mulai mengeksplorasi sektor-sektor strategis, salah satunya Andaman Sea Projectserta pembangunan data center di Pulau Batam atau Bintan,” kata Airlangga.

Sektor energi, menurut Airlangga, memang menjadi fokus utama dalam hubungan kerja sama antara Indonesia dan UEA. Salah satu proyek yang sudah berjalan adalah pembangunan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS) di Cirata, Jawa Barat.

PLTS Cirata is the result of a collaboration between PLN and Masdar, a clean energy company from the UAE. Currently, the PLTS has generated energy of 145MWp.

At the end of the meeting, the two ministers agreed to follow up and implement the I-UAE CEPA, explore the strategic energy sector, and ensure a conducive business climate for business actors in both countries.

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