JAKARTA - Google services that experienced disruption caused the rupiah exchange rate against the United States (US) dollar to strengthen by more than 50%. Not only the dollar, but the rupiah exchange rate against the euro was also recorded to have experienced an unnatural increase.

On Saturday, February 1, at 19.00 WIB, Google displayed an rupiah exchange rate against the euro of Rp. 8,348 per euro. Meanwhile, according to data on private banking financial services, the actual exchange rate is Rp. 16,889 per euro.

Previously, based on VOI.ID's monitoring, the rupiah exchange rate in Google against the US dollar was also viral because it showed more than 50% strengthening on Saturday afternoon.

Google recorded an rupiah exchange rate of Rp. 8,170 per US dollar, which is different from the real exchange rate.

This phenomenon has become a widespread topic of conversation in various WhatsApp (WAG) groups and sparked allegations that Google is experiencing interference in displaying currency exchange rates.

The news about this error continues. However, until Sunday, February 2 morning, there has been no official statement from Google regarding the error in the exchange rate display.

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