JAKARTA - The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) continues to investigate alleged violations of sea space utilization by PT CPS after conducting an examination of the company's representatives.
Based on the results of the examination on Thursday, January 30, PT CPS is known to carry out development activities in two locations, namely the waters of Biawak Island and Kudus Lempeng Island.
"The representatives of PT CPS admit that some development activities are not in accordance with the permits granted in the Approval of the Approval of Marine Spatial Utilization Activities (PKKPRL)," said Special Staff of the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Doni Ismanto Darwin in a written statement, Saturday, February 1.
On Biawak Island, said Doni, construction was carried out without appropriate permits which included reclamation, construction of piers, pavilions, cottages and other facilities.
Meanwhile, on Kudus Lempeng Island, reclamation activities are carried out without a permit that should use a pile dock system.
"This alleged violation has the potential to cause damage to marine ecosystems, especially in seagrass and coral reefs," he said.
As a follow-up step, Doni continued, the KKP will determine the amount of administrative sanctions based on the investment value of the project that must be submitted by PT CPS no later than February 7, 2025.
"KKP emphasizes that every activity utilizing marine space must comply with applicable regulations to maintain ecosystem sustainability and prevent environmental damage," he said.
Doni explained that the examination will continue until appropriate sanctions can be applied. "According to the laws and regulations in the marine and fisheries sector, namely PP21/2021, PP85/2021, and PermenKP 31/2021. (H-3)," he added.
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