JAKARTA - Bank Indonesia (BI) noted that foreign capital flows came out of the domestic financial market of IDR 0.82 trillion on January 30, 2025 transactions.

Quoting Antara, the Executive Director of the BI Communication Department, Ramdan Denny Prakoso, detailed that foreign capital came out clean in the stock market and State Securities (SBN) amounted to Rp0.40 trillion and Rp0.43 trillion, respectively.

Meanwhile, there is foreign capital worth IDR 5 billion in Bank Indonesia's Rupiah Securities (SRBI).

Selama tahun 2025, sejak 1 hingga 30 Januari 2025, modal asing keluar bersih di pasar saham sebesar Rp1,72 triliun. Sedangkan modal asing masuk bersih di pasar SBN dan SRBI masing-masing sebesar Rp2,11 triliun dan Rp12,93 triliun.

Indonesia's 5-year investment risk premium (CDS) was recorded to have increased from 72.93 basis points (bps) as of January 24, 2025 to 74.74 bps as of January 30, 2025.

The rupiah exchange rate opened slightly lower at the level of Rp. 16,260 per US dollar (US) on Friday (31/1), compared to the position at the close of trading on Thursday (30/1) at the level of Rp. 16,255 per US dollar.

The US dollar index (DXY) was recorded to have strengthened to the level of 107.80 at the end of trading Thursday (30/1).

DXY is an index that shows the movement of the US dollar against six major state currencies including euro, Japanese yen, English pound, Canadian dollar, Swedish krona, and Swiss franc.

The yield or yield of SBN 10 years is stable at the level of 6.96 percent on Friday (31/1) morning, from the previous 6.96 percent at the end of trading Thursday (30/1).

Meanwhile, the US Treasury Note 10 years yield fell to a level of 4.516 percent at the end of trading Thursday (30/1).

BI also continues to strengthen coordination with the government and relevant authorities and optimize policy mix strategies to support Indonesia's external economic resilience.

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