JAKARTA - Traders of Indonesia Raya Fighters (PAPERA) are pushing for the formation of a Market Task Force (Satgas). The general chairman of PAPERA, Don Muzakir emphasized the importance of establishing a Market Task Force in each market to ensure the continuity of a healthy and competitive trade ecosystem.
This was conveyed after meeting with the Minister of Trade (Mendag), Budi Santoso at the Ministry of Trade office, Jakarta, Friday, January 31.
The meeting was also attended by the Director General of Domestic Trade of the Ministry of Trade, Iqbal Shoffan Shofwan, and representatives of PAPERA from all provinces on the island of Java.
"This discussion is a stage for PAPERA to highlight the challenges faced by traders and urge concrete steps by the government in maintaining people's economic stability," said Don Muzakir in a written statement.
Don Muzakir explained that this task force will be tasked with overseeing the market in real-time, as well as being a direct liaison between traders and the government. So that problems in the market can be detected immediately and responded quickly.
He revealed that several problems that often arise in traditional markets, such as the circulation of expired goods, the distribution of mixed goods, hoarding practices, distribution imbalances, and threats of thuggery, are expected to be resolved by the existence of the Market Task Force.
"With the presence of the Market Task Force, the government can respond more quickly and effectively to problems in the field, so that strategic steps can be taken immediately for the stability of national trade," he said.
In addition, he also emphasized that the Market Task Force must be directly under the auspices of the Ministry of Trade.
Because, although traditional market management is currently in the realm of local governments, the active involvement of the central government is considered very important.
"The central government through the Ministry of Trade is expected to take serious steps in the supervision and governance of traditional markets in a sustainable manner so that they are not eroded by the times and remain the center of the people's economy," he said.
As a form of support for President Prabowo's program focused on protecting traders, PAPERA proposed several strategic policies to the Ministry of Trade.
Some of these proposals include guaranteeing the availability of goods supply, preventing the circulation of expiration and mixed goods, overcoming the hoarding of goods, and providing wider capital access for small traders.
"PAPERA hopes that these concrete steps can strengthen the competitiveness of traditional markets and prosper small traders who become the backbone of the people's economy," he hoped.
Meanwhile, the Minister of Trade, Budi Santoso welcomed all recommendations submitted by PAPERA.
On this occasion, the Minister of Trade promised to follow up on the proposal with more concrete steps to improve the condition of traditional markets in Indonesia.
"PAPERA is not only fighting for the benefit of traders, but also for the future of the traditional Indonesian market so that it remains the center of the people's economic movement which is strong and resilient in the modern era," he said.
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