Good News From Airlangga: All Civil Servants, Military And Police Get THR, Unlike Last Year
Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, Airlangga Hartarto. (Photo: Doc. Setkab)

JAKARTA - The Coordinating Minister (Menko) for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto confirmed the provision of holiday allowances (THR) for workers, State Civil Apparatus (ASN) and members of the TNI / Polri before Lebaran 2021.

"Meanwhile, for economic levers, THR for workers already exists, namely the Minister of Manpower Circular No. M / 6 / HK.04 / IV / 2021 paid in full and no later than D-7," said Airlangga at the Presidential Office in Jakarta, quoted from Antara Monday 19 April.

Airlangga said the Ministry of Manpower (Kemenaker) would form a THR post to carry out supervision.

"Then for ASN and TNI / Polri soldiers this was also finalized by the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani and paid H-10," added Airlangga.

As is known in 2020, not all ASNs received THR, only third echelon ASNs and retirees received THR while echelon I and II ASNs did not get THR last year.

The THR for 2020 is regulated in Government Regulation (PP) No.24 / 2020 which includes basic salary, family allowances, and job allowances or general allowances, while the THR components for retirees include basic pension, family allowances, and additional income allowances. .

In addition to the THR distribution, to leverage economic growth, the government is also preparing three other programs.

"Then related to the social protection and basic food programs, this will continue to be carried out in May and June and will be paid in early May," said Airlangga.

The government also plans to hold a Ramadan National Online Shopping Day (Harbolnas).

"With the delivery cost borne by the government or even a digital 'platform'," added Airlangga.

The third program is social assistance in the form of rice.

"It is currently in the process of maturing, which is related to 10 kilograms with the target of non-PKH (Family Hope Program) food card participants," said Airlangga.

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